A press conference to announce the details of an event in the country of happiness .. Monday


The artist Ismail Mokhtar, head of the artistic house of the theater, will hold a press conference to announce the details of the show "Happiness in Happiness", produced by the modern theater company, on Monday, July 16 at 18:00 . Team director, Ashraf Tolba, director of the ensemble, and cast of actors, including Medhat Tikha, Alaa Quqa, Hbadan Al Adl, Mohammed Fatima Ali, Sayed Al Roumi, Mohamed Hosni and the singer Wael El Fashni.

Rasem Mansour of Iraq, Nasreen Abu Saad of Lebanon, a group of young stars, and designed critics Karima Badir, in addition to the work writer Walid Youssef, and the show's director Mazen Al Gharabawi

Al Khobar (press conference to announce the details of an event in the country of happiness .. Monday) Moved the site (Echo of the country)
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