A quarter of a century out of the railroad in Egypt – Marwa Fathi


The relationship of the Egyptians with the railways and trains is ancient, extending over more than 150 years, and during these years thousands of trips were made throughout the Republic in a scene similar to the stream blood in the arteries. The relationship between the Egyptians and the sticks has sometimes witnessed different stages of joy in the security of access, and pain at other times because of scenes of blood and death on the rail

Ironically, Egypt is the second country in the world to know the train in the early 1850s after England, where the train first appeared in 1814.

The Egyptians launched a name Distinctive in the train, "Elf" Maybe his speed to reach the station without the fatigue of pbadengers, and perhaps the roar sound announcing the arrival of another train and departure, but with time turned into another dead end, can kill some or hit them, Almost a quarter of a century, in a scary scene that calls for careful consideration.L'Egypt is at the forefront of the countries In terms of accidents of the road, according to the clbadification of the World Health Organization, where deaths m Elders in these incidents 11 deaths per 10 thousand vehicles, while in Egypt an average of 25 people, a number of concerns, and Egypt is at the forefront of railway accidents, According to the statistics of l & # 39; 39 Institute of German Railways for 2016, according to statistics from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Egyptian Statistics, Egypt has experienced nearly 1,200 train accidents since 2015.

Iron twice a year or more, the most recent train accident in the city of Badrashen Giza, which happened

According to a report of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization in March, train accidents in Egypt in the last 14 years, from 2003 to 2017, were in the range of 16.174 The year 2012 was the lowest of the number of train accidents with 447 incidents, while the pbadage Manfalut in December 2012 recorded the highest number of deaths s and injured, causing the death of 51 people, followed by an accident. The Ayat train in 2013, in which 15 people died and 25 others were injured.

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