A session of the Greek government … Tsipras carries "political responsibility for the tragedy" of the fires


Greek Prime Minister # Alexis_tispras announced that he was carrying "political responsibility for the tragedy" caused by the # fires that erupted Monday in the east of Athens, injuring at least 87 people, in a speech to the cabinet conveyed by the media.

He called for a meeting of the Council of Ministers because he wanted to "first bring all the political responsibility for this tragedy to the Greek people". "I think it's normal for this to be published by the prime minister and the government," he said.
"I think it's obvious to a prime minister and the government of a country, I also ask you to do the same thing, even if it's difficult," he said. .

Today, the number of victims of fires that erupted Monday in the Matte region and a section of Ravenna on the east coast of Athens rose to 87.
Since Monday, firefighters and paramedics have found dead bodies during the search of hundreds of homes or charred cars.

Tsebras expressed "his grief and sorrow for human lives that have come in the form of unjust and surprising".
"We will not try to shirk our responsibilities," he said, adding that "tragedies often lead to highlighting issues that are absent from public discourse in normal times".

He noted that many parts of Greece were built "illegally on the coast or near riverbeds". "Today, we realize with great difficulty that we are ruling a country dominated by irregularities," he said.

Dozens of residents and tourists in Matte, 40 km from Athens, were burnt in their cars by congestion in the city's alleys, seeking access to the rocky coastline or difficult access to because of tourist complexes and villas. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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