"A silent crisis" between Aoun and Hariri ..


According to the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, a silent crisis between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri is looming, which fits into the context of the insistence of the latter to ask the Council of Ministers to meet, considering that the Council is a society that poses all the political and security problems at stake. The reluctance of Mr. Hariri to meet, all the more so since he was "the first victim to to be upset, "according to his sources, pointing out that he had left only a door and means to prepare the atmosphere in front of the Council of Ministers to remove the fuse from the cabinet. Attack and neutralize the government's security and political repercussions of the incident occurred in mountain Bit in it.

There is growing concern that the silent crisis between Aoun and Hariri is developing in a way that is difficult to control and push for the country's involvement in a crisis of government, although Hariri has always wanted to see it. 39 to hear with Aoun to ensure the continuation of the settlement to which he had committed, contrary to the wishes of the majority of his constituents. L & # 39; s future

The same sources said that Hariri had been and remained the main intervener among all those who tried to prolong the periods of disruption of the work of the government, especially after the adoption of the budget. Hariri has also been patiently confronted with occasional attempts to circumvent his powers, although the strikes in this regard were triggered by the other settlement partner, namely the national trend, and with him a part of it. ministerial team calculated by the President of the Republic.

There is therefore no objection to Aoun's request to hold the hearing, he has the right to ask Hariri to call the government for exceptional and urgent needs, as stipulated in Article 53 of the Constitution, but in agreement with the Prime Minister, as indicated in paragraph 12 of the same article. In this context, ministerial sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that Aoun hoped to convey to the inside a message stating that he was not the one who would disrupt the cabinet and the cabinet. international community in light of what the European and Arab diplomatic circles say that the national trend leads the campaigns calling for the convening of The government reported the mountain incident to the Justice Council, as it appears, claiming the responsibility of the Progressive Socialist Party.
These sources pointed out that the axis of the resistance, with the exception of the Amal movement led by the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, is betting on the seat of Jumblatt and the circle, not only for the Weaken, but also to reduce its role in the political equation.

She said that it was Hariri who convened the meeting, and therefore his authority to prepare his agenda in consultation with Aoun, and that whoever obstructs the initiative at Ibrahim's brigade is known and that the latter has followed a policy of patience based on the support of the three presidents, although the ministerial team belongs to the national tendency. Or at least some of them hinder access to these initiatives in safety.

Sources were surprised to learn that some people had resorted to Aoun's request to hold a government meeting, such as Hariri, responsible for the disruption of ministerial meetings, and said that this accusation did not raise no reaction from the international community, which continues through its ambbadadors in Lebanon. Because they are in contact with him and are now aware of his suffering, even though, by nature, prefer silence.

And considered that one of the conditions necessary to prepare the atmosphere of the session was that President Aoun should convince those who would make them responsible, in addition to the national movement, to remove the obstacles to the meeting, because the other Party would not hesitate to show its willingness to participate in unconditional meetings, making it an arena of political conflict to avenge Jumblatt.

Although the sources speak of interference in the affairs of the judiciary of ministers other than the Minister of Justice, Albert Sarhan, she warns against the continuation of such interventions and promises to publish later details in this regard.

She expected Hariri to return soon to Beirut and said that she was betting on the President's intention to launch a full-fledged Hezbollah initiative, which could succeed this time, not only in reconciling but disrupting political mines that could explode inside the cabinet.

She called for a chance for President Berri and said that Mr. Hariri was betting on the role he had played to restore the normal, especially the fact that the next few days, and perhaps before the holidays, Eid al-Adha, will push the discovery of imported papers. Therefore, the fate of the political crisis depends on the reaction to Berri's initiative as a mandatory corridor to achieve relaxation, unless those who do not want to face it positively, for fear of l & # 39; embarrbad.

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