A socialist source for the Middle East: mountain reconciliation is coherent, coherent and not superficial


He badured a parliamentary source of the "Progressive Socialist Party" of the newspaper "Asharq Al-Awsat" that "reconciliation in the mountain is coherent and consistent, and not superficial in the sense that it envisaged the day of asking the foundation stone of his current building ", emphasizing that" reconciliation is the solid foundation among the Druze, and Christians love love, harmony and common traditions and not inciting hatred and grudges. "

The source responded to statements by some MPs of the "Free Patriotic Movement", stressing that "the doors chosen are open to all and that the inhabitants of the mountain are not bandits; one of them tried to remind us of the absurd wars of the past, so that people responded by defending their dignity, as martyrs and wounded. " "We turned the page of the war and market to Taif with the late Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, the Lebanese Forces, the Phalanges and others."

He added that the events and events evoked the beginning of the war in Lebanon, "the day was one of the division of tasks and roles", expressing his satisfaction "to meet with frankness and reconciliation at the palace of Baabda, the eve of Eid al-Adha ", pointing out that" the visit of party leader Walid Jumblatt After meeting Baabda's palace at the tomb of Chamoun, he carries symbol and loyalty to the inhabitants of this dear region and of the entire mountain, highlighting the position of Lebanese Forces Party President Samir Geagea, the Phalanges and many Christian parties and currents, and the position of Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the Future Movement, saying: "These breaks have for the role of confirming that the sovereignty and independence of March 14 still existed and blocking the way for those who tried to consider what was happening was a druze-christian or druze-druze conflict . In Lebanon, but things have ended well, sorry for those who have fallen and for the speedy recovery of the wounded. "

In response to statements by some members of the "strong Lebanon" bloc, the source called for "to be aware of what has happened, to read the balances and to let people live in security and peace." ". "We will not engage in debates or responses, we have invoked justice from the first moment and the scale of the people wanted in the orchard incident, and we are committed to meeting the palace of Baabda, but to put an end to this bullying, which does not make you fat, sing and nothing more than soap bubbles. " .

He praised "the efforts of the wise of the republic and of the statesman, the world in the balance of this country, as well as the debt of his security and his stability that is to say the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nabih Berri, whose good role and efforts were the main factor in carrying out the meeting on reconciliation and candor. new measures to strengthen the mountain and the country in the face of political and economic challenges. "

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