A strike in Italy because of the Ronaldo affair


Workers and employees of the Italian car manufacturer Fiat announced Wednesday their intention to strike next week to protest against the amount paid for the services of Cristiano Ronaldo for Juventus.

"For the cars of the Italian club Juventus since 1923.

The Italian club announced Tuesday the signing of Ronaldo Real Madrid Spanish under an agreement of 112 million euros.

A statement issued by the Federation of Fiat Trade Unions Workers of Fiat factories are urged to continue "The statement says," We have been told that the current stage is difficult and it is necessary to resort to benefits Social Security. "While workers and their families are suffering economic and financial hardships, the Anieli administration decides to spend huge amounts of money on just one person just because he's playing ball, so that thousands of families can not afford to pay until the middle of the month. "

" At a time when we are experiencing huge social problems, such unequal treatment can not and should not be accepted. "

" All this prompted us to strike for three days from Sunday to next Tuesday, "the statement concluded.


The Apostles
Cristiano Ronaldo
real Madrid

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