A student refuses to shake Basil's hand at her graduation ceremony and comments on her behavior (video)


After refusing to shake hands with Minister Jibran # Bbadil during the AUL Kaslik University graduation ceremony, Vanessa Badran posted on the Facebook page "Busta" commenting: "J & # 39; adore the girl who has disappointed the hopes of Minister Gebran Bbadil, I am the girl that I would never have imagined to be the girl with whom I had never imagined Gibran J was the girl I thought "shaking" her testimony of Gibran But before I got attached to her, I knew why? "I did not give it to the minister, but I did not want to say anything about my graduation day , but I am free.

She added, "More importantly than devil, if I am fascinated by my fiance and my marks, please rectify the post with respect, because my dignity has shown that I will give myself and produce a human being. Whatever may be, my dignity has been demonstrated by your minister and by his empty hands and by my dignity I have not even handed him over, so I apologize to you, my group , the story is not in my hands. "I was honest with the minister, what betrayal and what stabbed you.They laughed, if a frank and clear a problem and if a liar and a" white "a bigger problem."

After the publication of the response, the comments differed on the behavior of the student, considering that she was in a ceremony. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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