"Abu Ajina" accuses the son of "Abu Taqiya" of "lying" and he says "I did not advocate jihad"


if (isMobile) {googletag.cmd.push (function () {googeltag.display (-div-gpt-ad-news-sub-image-m);});} [19659002] All accused and their supporters were informed in the previous session that today 's hearing would be final and conclusive in one - day examination, pleadings and sentencing. , but decided to postpone them until Thursday, July 19 to plead. "Abu Ajina" which has nothing to do with this case and means all the details in court, noting that he was not aware that the patrol with which the clash armed returned to the army, but had information that armed men "He added that when the incident occurred after the death of Khalid Hamid, he contacted the dean of the 39, army, where the latter denied that the patrol belongs to the army, and even told him that he would send a patrol to hunt down the militants, However, he was asked not to send them so much that there was an armed group in the city.

After that, Abu Ajina went to another area, about 2 kilometers from Arsal, and again contacted the brigadier himself, there was an army patrol in the area, and asked him to pay attention to the "Panthers", but after he discovered that the confrontation nt with the army had contacted the director general of the security forces. General Emad Osman, then head of the information division at the rank of brigadier general, informed him that he would contact him again after contacting General Jean Kahwagi, commander of the # 39; army. "Then Osman badured him that the patrol was armed." He reconnected with the brigadier of the army who asked him to transfer them to the clinic. "

" Abu Ajina "that his Hussein's son was driving the first car carrying the army, while the second was driven by Mahmoud Hamid "Zalloum." The dispensary while Hhumaid was driving the second vehicle to the municipal building.

False "Worship" [19659006] The President of the Court "Abu Tagaya", who reported that "Abu Ajina" was invited to take up arms and go to the scene of the fight with "Hezbollah", but "Abu Ajina" denied the 39, case of lies, while worship

Returning to Abu Ajina, he pointed out that he then went to the municipality, where were the wounded soldiers, while Imad Izz al-Din transferred the people who had gone to the dispensary.In the Ras Baalbek hospital, expl that in the municipality, he discriminated against the citizens and provided first aid to the wounded while he

At that time, Brigadier General Abdullah surrendered to Abu "Ajina to inform people who attacked the army, he made it clear that he had been killed and asked a soldier to pretend to die when he abducted them." This prompted Brigadier General Abdullah to ask another question: "Have not you had the bug to know that you are the mayor?" He replied, "I can not open Investigation. "Then the prosecutor Fadi Akiki intervened. The accused is the one who said that he had dispersed the citizens in the municipality, which means that he would not be subject to any military action.

"Abu Taqiya: I did not call After the completion of the interrogation," Abu Taqiyah ", explained that he was aware of the incident after the completion of the Friday sermon, where he told Bilal al-Hujairi that elements of "Hezbollah" had killed Khalid Hamid and were heading to the pastoral area, where he called his son "worship" for the 39; attend, and accompanied by worship and sons of his sister Yahya and Hbadan on the scene of the incident, revealing that he had two pistols, where he met the former mayor on the road , denying that he was calling loudspeakers "Jihad" in the mosque, Confirming the story of his son about the car that was heading for a breakdown on the road.

"Abu Taiqia" revealed that Shi Another named "Abu Khaled Azout" is the one who asked the women to block the army, but said that he had heard from the people of the city that i l was outside.

After that, the court completed the interrogation of the other defendants in this case, Hbadan Mahmoud al-Hujairi, who was identified as one of the officers present in the patrol, was said he was the first to arrive on the site and that he had also attacked one of the wounded soldiers.

He confirmed that upon his arrival at the scene of the engagement, the shooting had stopped, Hamid denied being the eldest to shoot Zahraman, saying: "The son of the the deceased and his nephew were in the place where I killed him? " While the accused Mohammed Raed, a minor at the time, indicated that he was the oldest to break the glazing of the military vehicle in front of the municipality building, he did it afterwards. to have been stopped by people present there. After that, the court listened to the "Zaloum" statement, which emphasized on more than one occasion that he had saved the army, explaining that he knew when he was in the Friday prayers, he went to the scene because his brother had the same name as the others, noting that half of the sons of Arsal were going to the place of engagement

. Hamid 's murder, but it is said that the Syrian intelligence was the one who did it, before the accusation to "Hezbollah".

He said that when he arrived at the scene, there were 4 masked armed men 2 of them hit the wounded army. Then put his weapon in the head of one of them and cursed them, asking them to stay away from the elements of the army, then solidarity with many city dwellers who Ka He said that he had accepted the testimony of the soldiers on his role.

The brother of a terrorist and a military "accused" of being a "terrorist"

Before the announcement of the adjournment of the hearing, the court heard the accused Adham Hamid, who confirmed during the interrogation of the remaining detainees that he had been "wronged", stating that while he was involved in the incident, he would only accept the death penalty. Outside Lebanon when the attack took place, while his brother was a terrorist who was acquitted by the family P. To one of the elements of the Lebanese army, because of the similarities in the names, where he confirmed that the day of the engagement was in the "service" away from Arsal

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Source: Bulletin (Lebanon)

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