Abu Dhabi warns Beirut to turn Lebanon into a false news scene


2018-07-22 19:31:28

The Embbady of the UAE in Beirut warned that Lebanon would become a media arena that encourages false news, calling on Lebanese officials to prevent the repetition of this type of abuse.

Al-Akhbar reported that the reports published in Al-Akhbar under the title "Emirates Lakes: Ibn Zayed wants to subjugate Muscat" are totally false and have nothing to do with a diplomatic correspondence from the UAE, pointing out that these reports are made by the author and lack credibility and professionalism. Media.

The UAE Embbady reported that it is clear that the publication of the news of the file The so-called "Emirates Lakes" are an extension of what the newspaper began to manufacture in Beirut and Washington, in addition to his attempts to distort the image of the UAE and its relations with the Arab countries. "The embbady has called on Lebanese officials" who demand the best relations with the Gulf states "to take dissuasive measures and to ensure that Lebanon does not become a media arena that promotes false news and prevents corruption. repetition of this type of abuse. "

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