Actions that lead to the destruction of your marriage .. Avoid it


Although the problems between the spouses are normal, there are quality problems caused by the parties, which led to the destruction of the marriage. Here are 5 elements that lead to divorce after marriage if you do not treat it properly.

1. You have difficulty managing conflict and marital problems
You and your husband do not work as a team to solve the problems that oppose you. Therefore, the battles between you will increase and intensify each time, after which it is difficult to communicate between you and you feel annoyed by everything, that is to say that the conflicts between you and you And the positive side of your life decreases which jeopardizes the continuation of the marriage.

2. Life becomes busier
Domestic workers, children's education, career, family visits and communications with friends, your life is filled with all tasks and responsibilities, except for your relationship with your spouse.

3. Start by neglecting the common activities between you
When you do not have time to sit, talk or hang out together, do not spend special time together. If you agree on a date, you both start arguing for missing that time. It means that you lose your relationship.

4. Tie the other to pain and tension rather than support and pleasure
If any of you, or both, badociate the existence of the other with a feeling of tension or psychological pain, rather than a feeling of support and pleasure, this means that the friendship between you ends, which threatens the relationship.

5. The idea of ​​divorce is proposed as a possibility
Asking the idea of ​​divorce as a solution to problems is a warning of danger.

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