Adobe plans to provide a full version of Photoshop from the iPad in 2019


Adobe, developer of popular digital design software, plans to launch a full version of its Photoshop Photoshop application for Apple's iPad, as part of a new strategy to make its compatible products on multiple devices and boost sales of subscribers. Over the past eight years, according to Bloomberg's report, the app should appear for the first time at the Adobe Max MAX annual creative conference in October, reaching the market in 2019, and the deadline of the next year. engineering can modify this schedule.

Adobe, based in San Jose, California, embarked on a multi-year journey to modernize its dominant creative creation programs, transforming all of its applications into the cloud in 2012 and launching a new business model based on on subscriptions. Double sales by the end of the fiscal year, which resulted in an increase of more than 700% shares.

Adobe has recently launched its products on enthusiasts, who prefer to work on portable devices rather than on personal computers. However, the company has not yet offered full versions of its best known apps for mobile devices. Scott Belsky, managing director of Creative Cloud, confirmed that the company was working on copies of the Photoshop application and other usable applications on the platforms, but declined to specify the timing of its launch. As soon as possible, and there are many things needed to provide a product as sophisticated and powerful as Photoshop and make it work on a modern device such as the iPad. "

The flagship suite of Adobe's multimedia publishing products is called Creative Cloud, a subscription service that allows users to access multiple applications, including Photoshop, Premiere and Illustrator on Macintosh and Windows, as well as mobile applications such as Photoshop Mix on iPhone and iPad computers Current Creative Cloud applications are based on older architectures with different foundations for each device.

New versions of # 39; applications allow users to run full versions of programs on the Apple iPad and continue to tweak different devices, similar to those that Microsoft has made in recent years as part of its change of software and services.

Adobe customers, especially in the media and entertainment industry, are working more and more on tablets rather than desktops and ask their customers to quickly and immediately change their creative projects. A long-term effort will reach other Adobe programs in the future because a new version of Illustrator is under development but still far from the exit.

The company is trying to satisfy the professionals who use its software to edit and edit images and attract ordinary users, where newer versions of programs should more clearly contain interfaces compatible with mobile devices rather than similar versions of versions current. According to people close to the project, the new application will not be an immediate replacement for the basic Photoshop, which has existed since 1990, but will be presented alongside it.

The ability to run Photoshop and other professional Adobe applications on iPad computers is an endorsement of the device, which went on sale for the first time in almost eight years, knowing that Microsoft's surface devices can work for a long time. From the Windows operating system, while the iPad could not run Mac OS X version, because it works with Apple's iOS operating system.

Creative Suite is a major feature of Surface, which will soon disappear, which may erode the market.Skin Jobs, one of the founders of Apple, has defined its vision for a iPad so that it can eventually replace laptops for many people, but iPad sales growth has slowed in recent years, while the new Pro models have sparked interest in this category, and a new set of computers and software can help Apple achieve this goal.

Adobe's plan to put the iPad at the center of its new multi-system strategy is another sign that the giant hardware company based in Cupertino, California, and the software giant has developed their relationship, and although Apple was invested in Adobe, Steve Jobs was criticized in 2010 for his flash drive application, saying it hurts the battery life, privacy and security of the company. 39; device.


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