"After 3 hours of negotiations" New York police arrest a woman who claims to be on Statue of Liberty


Police arrested a woman at the foot of the Statue of Liberty after a three-hour crisis and forced the evacuation of the famous New York monument by thousands of tourists on the day of the day. Independence. (19659002) The Department of Immigration and Customs at the heart of President Donald Trump's policy of separating family members from each other's migrants on the basis of the statue . Border between the United States and Mexico [1945900]

Television footage showed two officers who were climbing the base and holding the woman while she was bending near the right foot of the giant statue.The man removed his sneakers and tried to climb the clothes of the statue

Before his arrest, Sergeant David Soma, (19659002) The New York Police Department said that the negotiators with his hostage takers were helping the park system to try to convince the woman to surrender. He said, "We refuse to cooperate. Soma said that seven protesters had been arrested earlier in the day Wednesday Island but could not confirm that the woman was one of them .

and forced the accident parks device on the evacuation of the island where the statue stands on the day when thousands of tourists visiting historic site .

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