After cursing Hassan Nasrallah and Aoun and asked him to apologize .. So was the response of the young Shiite


Harmony – Agencies

A young Lebanese Shia community has stirred controversy in recent days by offering unprecedented insults to President Michel Aoun, Hbadan Nasrallah and President Nabih Berri.

which was not mentioned: "O Angus with the knowledge of the disintegration, the curse of God upon you and therefore, the beast of the word of God", with reference to the Fire protestors days before the flags of Hezbollah

The army killed a number of people wanted for drug cases a few days ago.

Protesters and the people of Hezbollah bore joint responsibility with the army in the badbadination of wanted men, led by Ali Zayd Ismail.

The young man continued: "God curses you and your masters,

The young Lebanese Michel Aoun was insulted by saying that Nasrallah brought him to power.

Two days later, the young man appeared in a new video and amazed everyone by insisting on his position.A Nasrallah, Aoun and Bari, after the activists waited to follow Ali's example. Shams, who cursed Nasrallah and came back to apologize to him after receiving threats.

Lebanese youth, who He is close to Ali Zaid Isma 's, accused of to be the leader of the "gang" who confronted the army: "They spread the ax with his heel only those who created it."

"The flag we burned is full of corruption

And about the threats that he receives, the young Lebanese said: "I am a disciple of Husse in, what is scared, and the words of truth, blood sellers And whatever happens with me is not important. "

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