Ahlam reveals the state of health of Fajr Al-Saeed


The emirati artist Ahlam revealed the evolution of health status of Fajr Al-Saeed, a Kuwaiti media, and published a photo on his own page on a social network site badociated with a comment in which she stressed that she was slowly improving, expressing her pride and happiness for the friendship that united them.

She said: "This powerful woman, political journalist and political writer, is raising her hats, which I see all recovering before my eyes, even though, slowly, I am proud to know one day that I am proud to be My friend Sadouh and I feel pride every day I promise him and I promise that she will come back and if she goes away I'll wait for you. "

It should be noted that Said was recently transferred abroad to be treated by order of the emir of Kuwait and accompanied by Ahlam aboard a private medical plane.

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