Ahmed Saad and Samia Khashab are very controversial … Rym Al Baroudi is it pissed off?


Activists published a controversial picture of Ahmad Saad and his wife, Sumaya al-Khashab, through the media.

He appeared on the picture while the artist kisses his wife in his neck. And interacted with a very large number of followers, where attacked some of the artist, highlighting that she tries through the mocking singer image Reem Baroudi.

On the other hand, others wished more happiness together to the couple. Leaders of media sites recently exchanged a photo of the Egyptian artist with his ex-Lebanese husband Badr al-Shaeri.

Lebanese media announced Elie Bbadil that Khashab married Ahmed Saad's artist for several months after the poet's divorce. However, he did not respond to any of these statements.

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