This week is supposed to be the door of the vulva for government "at work" inhibited by the repercussions of the Kibrishmon incident, which solved Imad Qabanamra, the Attorney General for Discrimination, who could determine the exact criminal description and hence the competent judicial authority or the criminal court.
President Michel Aoun is in a hurry to dismantle the meeting of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister Saad Hariri, but the latter refuses to convene a Council of Ministers to refer the case to the Council of Justice. He also rejects the suggestion of some that President Michel Aoun presents the issue from the outside. The agenda, which is the responsibility of the President, will prevent the Council of Ministers to vote, whatever the results, because such a result will favor the rejection of the candidature of Joumblatti or the pro-party. Ansar, because in both cases there will be a negative reflection on the level of solidarity of the government, MP Ars He said yesterday that if the vote took place on the surrender and fell into the cabinet, many ' Sabesqon "on this government!
In "News" news, Prime Minister Hariri has halted the withdrawal of President Najib Miqati from the vote on the budget and the abstention of all Lebanese deputies ( 15 MPs) to vote in his favor, knowing that he must make his voice heard after adoption of the budget and welcome the World Bank isolation of observations It is necessary to prevent the abstention from resuming the meetings of the Council of Ministers, because the continuation of the paralysis of the government does not benefit the Pact and the interest of its president, not to mention the decisions of the Conference "Cedar" which were budgeted to obtain them.
On this basis, a road map was drawn up for the resumption of cabinet meetings on Thursday 25 August or the next day, 1 August, and in any event before the holiday of Eid al-Adha on 11 August. Otherwise, it is permissible to think that a kabrushmon stick was placed in the wheels of the government vehicle. He does not want her to turn around again.
In addition to the successful efforts of the Director General of Public Security, General Abbas Ibrahim, a Druze religious authority, began a meeting of Lebanese and Islamic community leaders from the Darwish Druze community in Beirut to promote reconciliation between the parties. the conflict in Qabershmon, Walid Jumblatt and Talal Arslan. Accelerate the launch of the government and the expected benefits.
Military court
Michel Aoun
Saad Hariri
Walid Jumblatt
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