Al-Shaabi responds to the assassination of Al-Arqoub with the assassination of "Abu Jandal"


The situation in Tameer district in Ain al-Hilweh became tense after the badbadination of Muhammad Tawfiq Lutfi, nicknamed "Abu Jandal", an Islamist activist close to the Islamic League Ansar al-Ansar in the camp. Ain al-Hilweh. .

The day after the operation, which was registered less than two weeks after the liquidation of Bilal Arqoub sought, a Palestinian source of "central" described the situation in the camp as very tense, saying that a war of qualification takes place between the League of Ansar and wanted militants ".

The source said that after the badbadination of Arqoub and the accusation of the League and Fatah, the militants murdered last night the badbadination of Abu Jandal calculated on the League, pointing out that the cameras of the region were examined to identify the murderer and handed over to the state, revealing that the author of the murder, Hbadan al-Shebl, belonged to the group. "Jund al-Sham, led by the" danger "sought Haitham al-Shaabi.

The source revealed that "the popular stationed in the camp's emergency district, pointing out that contacts are being made to hand the Cub to the Lebanese state, although this option is being rejected by the popular" .

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