Algeria Celebrates 56th Anniversary of Independence


The Algerian people commemorated the 56th anniversary of the restoration of national sovereignty and independence of Algeria in the face of colonialism, during which it suffered scars and wounds. Worst forms of exploitation and attempts to uproot national identity. The Revolution of November 1954.

After examining a selection of the Republican Guard, Bouteflika placed a wreath in front of the monument and read the opening of the book, in honor of the martyrs of the glorious revolution of the release

. Algerian Foreign Minister Abd Al-Qadr Mesahel, expressed his country's firm stance on non-interference in the internal affairs of countries and always at the same distance with all parties, preferring the option of dialogue and the political solution with the internal parties, The source of security and stability, recalling the role of Algeria in helping the financial and Libyan parties to find political solutions and keeping them in constant consultation with the government. Egypt and Tunisia to bring visions closer to the Libyan crisis.

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