Amnesty International: Lebanese security extorts activists for "promises" – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Security men's archives in Lebanon

Amnesty International reports that human rights activists are summoned to investigate in Lebanon and report to the United States. object of blackmail to sign illegal promises of renunciation. Or refrain from performing certain acts, without prejudice to the law, as a condition of their release.

The organization said in a statement that security forces and military services had recently summoned a number of people to express their political views or for their activities in favor of human rights.

"These so-called promises are nothing more than intimidation and unfounded in Lebanese law," said Lynn Maalouf, director of research for the Middle East at the ## 148 ## 39; organization.

A commitment is a sheet of paper sealed by the military or security authority competent, asking individuals to investigate the commitment not to repeat the same act again.

Amnesty International has examined cases in which it considered that the security services did not respect the rights of detained persons and under investigation among the procedures to be observed in the Lebanese State, including the right to defend themselves. have access to a lawyer.

In another development, according to Amnesty International, the military and security authorities detailed the details of many activists, including their Watsab accounts, text messages exchanged with others, and recordings of their phone calls.

"We are witnessing a growing and widespread use of commitments by military and security institutions with the aim of silencing critics for their performance and state performance."

Amnesty International calls on the Lebanese authorities to stop Respect for the right to liberty and security of the person and to ensure that suspects and detainees are treated humanely.






Source: Sky News

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