Amr Diab presented 3 clips at home. 4 singers turned their home to "location photography"



A number of singers choose their houses to place their own video clips, allowing the songs to match the nature of their setting.

While many singers prefer to film their songs abroad Attracting a lot of people, a group of singers chose to shoot their songs at home or at a crew member 's house. as much as the nature of these places matches the theme of the songs, or maybe because the story does not require special location.

Carole Samaha returned to her grandfather's house

"Sahabi and Vinhm da Beni 10 years old and Mafish only good and good" With these words singer Carol Samaha started the song "Sahabi", which was filmed in a video clip "Location" matches the lyrics of the song that recalls her childhood memories with her friends who appear with her in the clip, directed by Danny Dagher, and after the clip came out in a few hours, he has made good comments on YouTube.

The song "Sahaby" was launched in 2016 on YouTube, in the album "My Memories", but Carroll re-distributed in Egypt, after solving the problems, when the dealer fled the scene. album, even contracted with the company She re-released the album, as she said Tuesday night on "Maznuq Fin", with Sabri Zaki on Radio "Energy", the song of words of Nader Abdullah, Tamer Ashour, and the cast of Ahmed Ibrahim.