An artist earns $ 500,000 after singing in poverty during a business trip


A first-degree artist of renown in the Arab world traveled to a Western country for a business trip that caused losses to the party organizer who thought the singer could bring him back four artistic benefits. His concerts did not make this amount and he found himself in a tight trap regretting the fall of the net, but the chances of the sound owner did not stop there, but included many gifts and even during the practice of the game in one of the centers that included $ 200,000. And then left for Lebanon.

and the artist returned to Lebanon with 500,000 dollars and when he arrived in Beirut was shocked to repeat the tone of poverty and the need for a number of rich people who did not know what s & rsquo; Had pbaded in the western country. He spent his money on his own temper and including bans and women.

The singer enjoys begging from time to time and suffers from the misery of old age, a condition that permeates him in all his actions and even visits to shopping malls and restaurants.

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