The comedian Anjou Reihan is the guest of the show "Sahra Omar", broadcast on Lebanese television.
Anju noted that the roles she plays are not as easy as some people think, but difficult because they have to reach the audience without being distracted or trapped.
Regarding his relationship with the MTV team, Anju said the relationship was beautiful and that communication was going on.
Commenting on the dispute between actress Rola Shamia of actor and director Nbader Faqih and actor Adil Karam, Anju pointed out that the dispute had been exaggerated by the media, stressing that "pure intentions" .
This article "Anju Rihan comments on the controversy of Adel Karam and Rola Shamia!" (Lebanon 24), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, and that the responsibility rests on the actuality or authenticity of the source of news of the day. Origin, Lebanon 24.
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