Aoun in the heart of the battle: recordings and deal with Bassil


At the regular public meetings of the PSP Board of Directors, Walid Jumblatt's recommendations were clear: President Michel Aoun should not be targeted and no word should be addressed against him. Rather, he wants to neutralize all the problems related to the Qabrishmoun incident. The last meeting of the board of directors was held Sunday evening, in anticipation of the press conference held Tuesday by the Socialist to announce the violations committed before the military court. Jumblatt's recommendation was clear about the president's inability to speak at the conference on maintaining his position and role.

Aoun marginalizes Arslan
In spite of this decision, the Socialist was experiencing the escalation of Aoun's positions. He insisted that the case be referred to the Council of Justice and put the matter to the vote for a vote. The Socialist also knows that Aoun considers that what happened is destined for Minister Gebran Bbadil, so that Aoun can announce it openly. Thus, he put himself at the heart of the battle and chose the destination, so as to upset the course of the file and all press conferences held by MP Talal Arslan, following the remarks of the President of the the Republic to marginalize it as well as Minister Saleh Al-Gharib.

After the position of the President of the Republic, the Socialist will try to respond to the words of the President, provided that it is he who has chosen to be gone, which means that the escalation will continue. In this context, the Socialists raise questions about Aoun's remarks, which they also consider to be a jump in the surveys. Even pre-empted even the announced judicial power. This corresponds to a political course on which his team was working, namely an ambush prepared for Minister Bbadil, although it was the path of the foreign minister he chose. Admittedly, neither Minister Akram Shahib nor any of the most virulent parades in the procession. Is it possible to prepare an ambush so publicly with the flags of the Progressive Socialist Party and the sit-in of its supporters in the village?

The Socialists also consider that Aoun jumped on investigations from the intelligence division and military intelligence services, who concluded that what was happening was not a voluntary ambush and that the elements of the procession of the unknown began to shoot.

Systematic campaign and records
Aoun's position, accompanied by a systematic campaign of people affiliated with the pact, manifested itself by preempting the Socialist Conference by broadcasting recordings indicating that the Socialists were systematically preparing for what they had done. The move was not spontaneous. These recordings are attributed to a socialist leader who explains to his followers how to cut the roads and use eggs and tomatoes to protest the visit of Basil. "Eggs and tomatoes", according to the divers, intended for weapons and ammunition! According to the content of the recordings, it is clear that the organized campaign aims to accuse Minister Akram Chehayeb. On the other hand, the socialists are surprised by these leaks: how do you report that the Socialist leader talks about eggs and tomatoes, while the lawyers talk about weapons or ammunition and if it is possible to prepare for an ambush or such a naive operation? The socialist denies the recordings and says that most of them are fragmented and manufactured. According to reports, a Socialist official wrote: "No one will enter Kafrmati with the exception of Minister Saleh al-Gharib." This was said to the people of Kfarmati who wanted to refuse to visit Basil. Shahib worked to calm them down by saying that no one would pbad through the city while he was working to provide a safe road to Bbadil to enter Minister Saleh al-Gharib's home in town, via a secondary road. But Basil preferred not to go. He told people and supporters that only the alien would enter the city.

What Shohayb told Bossab
The "cities" reveal the essence of a debate between Shahib and Defense Minister Elias Bou Saab, during one of the budget sessions. The debate took place at a time when President Saad Hariri was sitting next to Shahib. Shahib addressed the defense minister saying, "Shaw, Elias, we have been ambushed?" Bo Saab denied this saying, "No, I did not say what the hell." "If it was a deliberate ambush, it would not be prepared that way – at least it would be secret and not in the eyes of the people," Shahid said. Shahib replied, "Who is the one who blames the fire?" Bo Saab responded that the strange procession of the minister's convoy was the beginning. "So who invented the story of the ambush?" Defense Minister Naveh responds to his knowledge of such a story, while others shudder to Minister Salim Griissati.

"Sheikh Solh"
In any event, Aoun has thrown everything on Erslan and abroad, defining the case as an attempted attack on his brother-in-law. This would have repercussions on the Druze environment, among the partisans of foreign countries and the messengers, who would feel exploited and neglected in the case, used as a bulwark in the facade and carelessly neglected, so as to show that the battle of Aoun and his insistence with the council of justice were not to their advantage. For Basil alone. This transforms, in one way or another, the problem of Druze to Druze in Druze to Christian religion. Aoun would have made it even more dangerous and serious.

In another socialist commentary on Aoun's remarks, the president's refusal to be "Sheikh Salih" is surprising, pointing out that it was he who had originally proposed reconciliation at Baabda Palace and that A meeting of the government would take place later. It's a retreat. He also supported the idea of ​​holding a government meeting in the absence of Chehayeb and al-Gharib. The Socialist asks: is this the logic of the state or that of the elders of peace? When the government was formed, the work of the method of the elders of peace was not it? After the parliamentary elections, did the president not open a reconciliation session in Baabda between Joumblatt and Arslan, then came back and presented another initiative concerning Choueifat. Is not it the job of sheikhs of peace?

Beyond account filtering
The Socialists claim that Aoun's position has reinforced their interpretation of what is happening as a political and non-judicial battle. The end goes beyond all procedural debates. This means that escalation will continue even at the level of government action. According to reports, Aoun was keen to hold a government meeting on Tuesday and Hariri, who promised to do good business, deemed it inappropriate to hold it, especially since Aoun had jumped on the phone. investigation of the information division and that the war of the powers had upset Hariri. He became increasingly alarmed by what happened before the military court, which overtook all investigations by the military intelligence and intelligence division. Follow-up sources point out that Hariri is no longer able to get out of the problem, because the path taken by things has overtaken the conflict with Walid Jumblatt and caused a major crisis in the country. The hardness of President Aoun and his allies is only the result of the fact that Jumblatt has managed to avoid defeat in this battle.

What is not hidden, is that the context of the battle and its purpose have become well beyond its details and the liquidation of political accounts, according to other sources. While it was originally a struggle for quotas in appointments, various political forces read signs that the president had entered the battle with all his weight to achieve a long-term strategic goal . It is true that he wants to run the government, but on his terms, or wants to get the correspondent, especially as the various political forces in the country are concerned about calm and non-tension and seek to revive the work of the Hezbollah-led government, which has sent the chairman of its parliamentary group, MP Raad, to power. President Nabih Berri. According to follow-up sources, the party reportedly told Berri how to find a new compromise formula and take an initiative that would produce a solution that satisfies the various forces, as the government urgently needs to act.

Against the party's desire, Aoun went away. It is known that Aoun does not resort to a position without having other accounts in politics. It is believed that these calculations were made with Hariri who, despite his determination, remains hostage to his eventual recovery. He knows that he is unable to obtain a major concession from Jumblatt or Berri. Therefore, Aoun resorts to this escalation to get more Hezbollah. According to follow-up sources, Aoun's insistence on Bbadil's targeting theory means that he wants to give Bbadil additional credit, which could be Hezbollah's promise to appoint Bbadil to the post. of president. A promise of this kind presented by Hezbollah can be a prelude to the resolution of the entire problem, the exchange of interim concessions to revive the government and the consolidation of the pillars of the alliance between Hezbollah and the Patriotic Movement free, which, of course, In turn, it is bound to a deep understanding with the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement.

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