Aoun: The Kibrishmoun incident, a place prepared for Bassil, and the alleged fabrication of known records from records containing documents


Lebanese President Michel Aoun's visitors for the first time told Al-Nahar that the Qabrishmoun incident was a potential ambush prepared for Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil and not for the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. displaced, Saleh al-Gharib.

Official sources confirmed the position of President Aoun stating that the investigation included "sound recordings with phone numbers of the dates, minutes and seconds of instructions given that day, including the following." the use of weapons, if any, to prevent the convoy of the Foreign Minister from traveling to Kfarmati ". The sources told Al-Nahar that this is clear, according to a Progressive Socialist Party official: "Only the foreign minister can cross the road to his city, the others are not."

President Aoun has not commented on the content of investigations conducted so far and is expected to be completed. He stated that "the last word of the judiciary, which must have all the data and all the circumstances to study and judge in the light of tangible evidence, and that it does not". There is no difference for him between justice and military justice, the Penal Code the one on which the judges are based, whether they are military or military, or even of civil jurisdiction. "
According to the opinion of the President of the Republic, quoted by the visitors of "An-Nahar", the campaign of the Progressive Socialist Party and its leader Walid Jumblatt to the military court has no logic to justify if Jumblatt really wants to show the truth about what happened in Qabrishmon.
Aoun rejected "continuing to deceive public opinion and divert attention from Qabrishmun's crime," claiming that "the making of the records, the pressure on the judges and the distortion in the practices twisted investigations are known to people who have records and who were falsified in court and who were putting pressure on the security forces, and who intervened to protect corrupt people.And yesterday, to prevent the lifting of the Immunity of one of the officers involved in corruption cases.
He added: "Let Jumblatt investigate the military court judges before laying his charges, because they are honest judges and they are the best ones who respect the truth in their hands, facts, evidence and documents."

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