Aoun to Kardel: Lebanon will form a coordinating committee with the Russians to study the details of the return of the displaced – the alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Aoun in the future Kardil (Dalati and Nahra)

Lebanese President Michel Aoun declared in Lebanon : Russian authorities study technical details of the Syrian refugee return mechanism in Lebanon in their country ", following the visit of the Russian delegation to Lebanon and discussed with officials of the Russian initiative for the return of Syrian refugees. "The Russian initiative has received the support of the United Nations to end the suffering of these displaced people, especially those deployed in Lebanese regions, welcomed the Russian initiative, which was discussed at the summit of Helsinki between the two presidents ". Russian and American, and estimates the return of about 890,000 Syrians from Lebanon to their country. "

Aoun stated that" the paragraph of the UN Secretary-General's report on displaced Syrians, presented a few days ago in New York, does not faithfully reflect the Lebanese position that has always called for voluntary and safe return displaced people. Regarding the rest of the points mentioned in the report, Lebanon regards them as positive points. "

and asked Cardell" to inform the United Nations Secretariat of Lebanon of the desire to renew the international forces operating in the south of the new mandate, with no change in tasks, and in many cases ". between them. "

The President briefed Aoun on the atmosphere of the Security Council's deliberations on the report on the implementation of resolution 1701 and stressed that" the United Nations is committed to a full partnership with the United Nations. Lebanon to maintain stability and distance from its environment. "The Council congratulated the President of the Security Council for accelerating the establishment of the new government and commended the role of the military. Lebanese and the need to develop its capabilities to extend its authority over all Lebanese territories. "Regiment model" and strengthen cooperation with international organizations. "

Aoun met with the ambience France's ambbadador to Lebanon Bruno Fuchia and introduced him to bilateral relations between the two countries and the upcoming visit of French President Emmanuel Macaron to Lebanon early next year. The research focused on the Russian initiative to repatriate Syrian refugees to their country and on the formation process of the government. Fuchia expressed his country's support for Lebanon and the follow-up to the recommendations of the Cedar Conference, as well as the support of the army and the internal security forces through the French contribution decided at the Rome-2 conference [19659008] = function () {

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