Aoun welcomes UNIFIL's role in southern Lebanon: Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


Lebanese President Michel Aoun praised the role played by UNIFIL forces in maintaining peace in southern Lebanon and the implementation of resolution 1701, recalling that "Lebanon was asking for the renewal of the mandate UNIFIL for an additional year without any change in its budget. "

Aoun spoke at his reception at Baabda Palace, UNIFIL's commander-in-chief, General Michael Perry, on a farewell visit to mark the end of his two-year mission in Lebanon .

General Perry thanked President Aoun for "the support he has received during his leadership of UNIFIL and the cooperation he has found with Lebanese officials and leaders of the UNIFIL. army".

Aoun praised what Perry had shown during his leadership of "good performance and wisdom," and hoped that his successor, General Del Col, would continue to lead UNIFIL and accomplish the tasks required. "

In recognition of General Perry's efforts, President Aoun awarded him the Order of National Cedar from the rank of Commander.

UNIFIL Commander and Minister of Defense Yacoub Sarraf presented the situation in the south in the light of Israeli violations and attacks against Lebanese sovereignty, concrete wall problems and points reserved for them.

Al-Sarraf hailed the "coordination between the forces of the UNIFIL and the Lebanese army, which produced calm and security in the south "

Source: Al Hayat Journal

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