Apple shares app store statistics before the 10th anniversary


Apple unveiled many new numbers and details on its App Store with the most exciting and exciting features over the years in a report celebrating the 10th anniversary of the App Store. Tuesday, July 10 marks the tenth anniversary from the launch of its App Store, which first appeared in 2008, and included only 500 apps, where the store has become a huge phenomenon was not expected to the company, noting that it receives 500 million visitors a week. Phil Schiller, vice president of marketing for Worldwide, said: "In its first decade, the App Store has surpbaded all expectations in terms of innovative apps that developers dreamed of, the way in which the customers were an integral part of the applications. Their everyday life, and this is just the beginning, we can not be more proud of what the developers have created and what to hide for the next ten years. "

Over the years, the company has introduced additions such as Apple's camera, GPS and Apple Pay, allowing developers to create more powerful applications. developers, whether it be a development team or major studios.Hundreds of thousands, even millions, of users around the world, and the app Today's store is accessible by a billion users.

The Cupertino giant also spoke about privacy protection: privacy protection is essential for the system from Apple.The company has always wanted to provide developers with clear guidance and a safe and reliable application market to ensure the best possible experience. Applications and ongoing updates of the hardware and software. software has helped developers of iOS applications to develop operate constantly updated software.

The game application category has crossed the line, and both users and developers are seeing the real potential of the Apple platform as new games are developed. The powerful tools provided by iOS make it possible to Constantly access games. Providing a seamless gaming experience to more than 1 billion customers in 155 countries around the world.

The company has made significant progress in recent years in terms of supply and underwriting in the application, providing support to developers and with the introduction of in-app purchase app in 2009, customers can download the application and open new levels. People are experimenting with new applications before they commit to buying them, and in June 2010, $ 1 billion was paid to software developers and applications.

App Store started in 2011 with subscription support applications, Apple has extended support for all categories by 2016, including games, children, health and fitness , there are now more than 28 thousand iOS applications offering subscriptions, including Netflix, LinkedIn and Dropbox, allowing millions of new customers to subscribe or unsubscribe from these services right away.

Subscriptions grew by 95% over last year, and developers have realized more than $ 100 billion via the App Store, and the trend is to get away from traditional media and the trend towards digital services. HBO is very popular, and users are now seeing entertainment content on mobile devices rather than on TVs.

Productivity and education on iOS, especially on iPad, is one of the most controversial markets on which the company is still working. Customers can enjoy more than 1.3 million applications designed specifically for iPads, allowing creativity out of the office.

The Fitness Program is one of the highlights of the Apple Watch: with applications such as Activity and Integrity with HealthKit, developers can provide users with the information they need to stay healthy or lead to a better life.

The Apple ResearchKit and CareKit tools have been used by more than 500 physicians and medical researchers for clinical studies involving 3 million participants ranging from autism and Parkinson's disease to home rehabilitation after surgery and physiotherapy. Customers can increasingly use iOS and Apple Watch apps to monitor their health. [Jsid=id;jsasync=true;jssrc=”http://connectfacebooknet/ar_AR/alljs#appId=&xfbml=1″;dgetElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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