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The Palestinian National Council called on international and regional parliamentary unions to put an end to the racism of the Israeli Knesset and to reject the so-called "Israeli National State of the Jewish People" law which likens the extreme extremism of the Israeli parliament to apartheid against anyone who is not Jewish. "The law, which has been ratified by the Israeli Knesset, combines in its articles all the features of the crime against the Palestinian people and baderts that the exercise of the right to self-determination in the state of Israel is exclusive to the Jewish people. Try it

The Palestinian National Council called on the free parliaments of the world and the trade unions and parliamentary forums to take punitive measures against the Israeli Knesset for its ongoing violations and violations of international law and international law.

The Council also called on these federations and parliaments to engage the Palestinian people in the international community, [5] The Palestinian National Council emphasized that the State which is the State of the State of Israel and the State of Israel and the State of Israel, The development of Jewish settlement has national value and encourages and supports its establishment and its establishment as stipulated by law: it must be boycotted, punished and punished to comply with international law as a state that encourages violence and destroys the internationally recognized solution. The right of return of Palestinian refugees to their lands and properties from which they were abandoned and compensated, and that the promulgation of this racist law will not extinguish this sacred right.

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