Archbishop Al-Ammar and Al-Haddad presented an initiative to calm and manage the situation of the crusher and Mgbel Marah Habas – Leba – Sidon – Ahmed Mentash


After the exacerbated reactions of a number of girls Saida and Jezine on the environmental situation of the work of the crusher and quarry and mud dungeon in the valley of Marah Al-Habas near Labaa (coast of Jezzine). Which was raised about the environmental damage and irregularities in the place, and the subject went from an environmental issue to a topic bearing a regional and doctrinal orientation represented by charges against the Arab Society of Public Works and the commission of violations and attacks on public property. More than 500 people attended the meeting, which was attended by MPP Bahia Hariri, the party, economic, business and social figures as well as representatives of the Future Movement and the Islamic Group. The Amal Movement and Hezbollah, noting that MP Osama Saad and Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Bizri did not attend the meeting. In order to put an end to the worsening of things and their negative repercussions on Sidon and Jezzine, the Maronite parish priest of Maronites and Roman Catholics, Mgr. Maroun Al-Ammar and Elie Haddad, contacted the authorities concerned. Jezzine and Saïda. After meeting with the mayor of Saïda, Mohammed Al-Ammar said: "We and Mrs Bahia are in the same line for the survival of this peaceful and open region, and all lovers find themselves in peace and security at home. Saida or Jezzine. And we live in safety and peace, it was the general framework of our meeting with Mrs. Hariri, and, God willing, we will continue to meet all those who would like to live in this region. "
A meeting will be held on Monday in the Maronite diocese of Sidon, in the presence of actors concerned by the situation in Saida and Jazine, possibly involving the Minister of Environment Tariq al-Khatib, to discuss the environmental situation and terms of the initiative of bishops Ammar and Haddad.

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