Arslan: Political reconciliation has begun and there is nothing wrong with investigating abroad


Lebanese Democratic Party chairman Talal Arslan said the Baabda meeting was a good and comfortable step forward to the other stages that have not yet been discussed. Nabih Berri and Saad Hariri will follow up on this issue so that every right holder on his right.

"What happened at Baabda is a summary of four nearly aborted initiatives that have the same content," Arslan said at a press conference.

He said: "We deliver all the witnesses and witnesses wanted" to us and to others, "and I have no reason to go to see Minister Saleh al-Ghareeb to investigate in order to facilitate the process of military investigation ", pointing out that President Michel Aoun has been busy with the finer details and sought to reach the alliances that preserve the rights of martyrs and the prestige of the state and of Justice. Law, justice and security.

He continued, "What has happened in the orchards has a political, security and judicial dimension, and reconciliation has the foundations on which we can solve the internal problems of the mountain and the policy of betrayal and defamation. sectarian, "and stressed that" our hand extended to resolve in the political framework and not to procrastinate in the political framework, and I am ready To help if the good intentions are on the part of all, the solutions require the cooperation of all . "

Arslan stressed that "the specificity of the mountain lies in a decent life and not in monopoly and singularity and that the intimacy of the mountain is a mountain of diversity and Mont-unity, which encompbades all segments of Lebanese society and constitutes the mountain of all peoples, and we are obliged to give it the best, "stressing" We no longer support the disruption of the state And the ceiling of the law above everyone and "what limits us greater than the law."

Asked about the solution to the mountain crisis after the statement of the US Embbady, ​​Mr. Arslan said: "We do not concern ourselves with any near or far of all the data, from anywhere that They come ".

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