Arslan refuses to "beard beard" with Jumblatt …


The deputy of the Lebanese Democratic Party, MP Talal Arslan, told the Al-Jumhuriya newspaper, through the journalist Imad Marmel, "The control of the statement made by the Baabda meeting clearly shows that I do not have renounced what I had presented and that my requests were met, "stressing that" the premise of the Justice Council has not disappeared: the statement makes it clear that the Cabinet will make the appropriate decision in light of surveys.

He stated that "it is the others who have withdrawn from their high ceilings," noting that "those who refused to meet me except at Ain al-Tineh came back and technicians from Baabda Palace, knowing that the meeting under the auspices of President Michel Aoun was basically my request.The appeal to the military court was accepted and accepted, which resulted in the acceptance of the extradition of all wanted persons. "

Arslan bursts out laughing, commenting that the meeting at the presidential palace gave him the scale needed to get off the tall tree he climbed, stressing that he "does not need ladders at all, because he does was stuck nowhere, "adding," I'm not confident …. "

Arslan warns that "anyone who will try to obstruct the completion of the judicial-security process, which aims to achieve the right and justice, but allows bloodshed", pointing out that he "informed the gathered together at Baabda Palace that he had lifted the blanket over whoever would find the judicial power needed to hear it. "From his supporters, no matter how much."

He claims that he rejects the reconciliation of "tabbouya beards" with Progressive Socialist Party president Walid Jumblatt.

Arslan praises the way in which Hezbollah treated him from the first moment of the incident, pointing out that Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah has not changed position throughout the crisis and that he supports us throughout the crisis. "Lebanese Forces" Samir Geagea supports Jumblatt and justifies his actions, while Hezbollah does not have the right to support his ally for a just cause? … What is this arbitrary approach? They exhaust themselves … defect. "

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