Art News Lebanon confirms that Umm Kulthum is a voice and image "present" at Baalbeck festivals


The opening ceremony of the Baalbeck International Festival was marked Friday by being an Egyptian of excellence and dedicated by the organizers of the prestigious festival of the ancient Lebanese city of Arab singer Umm Kulthum. The two Egyptian singers Mei Farouf and Marwa Naji played for an hour and a half performing the most popular songs from "The Planet of the East", including "My Heart Hurts You".

The Baalbek International Festival is opened in Lebanon on the evening of the Egyptian musical evening of 2018, where the Roman citadel regained its golden days and the presence of Umm Kulthum in the 1960s and 1970s in an important Lebanese-Lebanese artistic event.

The two Egyptian singers Mei Farouk and Marwa Naji performed for an hour and a half. Some of the most popular songs of Umm Kulthum were mainly composed by Mohammed Abdel Wahab and Balig Hamdi, who collaborated with her at the end of his artistic career. Composers "most badociated with the name of Hazkaria Ahmed, Mohammed Al-Qasabji and Riad Al-Sunbati, whose exclusive part of the music video of the song" Hirt my heart Maak ".

The two young singers were accompanied by 54 musicians of 39 Lebanese national orchestras, distributed on stringed instruments, violin, cello, double bbad and rhythmic, as well as Western and accordion instruments led by the Egyptian maestro Hisham Gabr.

"Baalbek remembers "Umm Kulthum", Marwa Naji presents "Sira El Hob", "Fikrouni", "Thousand and One Nights" and "My Heart", to the melodies of music, West

The second link was with Mai Farouk in her serene presence and her fine performance in the songs of Agda Alqak, Amal Hayati and Enta Omry.May Farouk knew the Arab public performing the songs of "Planet of the East" with the Egyptian Opera, where she started with the Lebanese maestro Salim Sahab [19659002] The seats of the majestic Pachos temple, built in Roman times, were full of enthusiastic presence, accompanied by the singers and the orchestra in most of the songs: besides a high-level official presence, the 39, former Lebanese President Michel Suleiman and several ministers And the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Inas Abdel Dayem.

Umm Kulthum attended the evening with his beloved songs and also with the images that were broadcast on the walls of the castle.In an audiovisual review, the audience feels that he returned to this theater in three stages in 1966, 1968 and 1970. "I was waiting to hear in the second part some of the hard and clbadic songs of Umm Kulthum that she gave in the 1930s, 1940s and 1940s. 1950, and not just the easiest songs to sing for Umm Kulthum ". Akram, a 62-year-old engineer, said: "Today's ceremony brought us not only to Umm Kulthum, but to the golden age of Lebanese festivals, after the wave of decline we have experienced in recent years. "

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