Art News – Shakira asks audience to donate to children in need


You are watching the news – Art News – Shakira asks audience to donate to children in need
In the News – News Horizon News
Sheikha Shakira asked her fans to donate to needy children through her profile on the InStagram photography site.

Shakira commented on the photo. "Make a $ 10 million donation and you can win a behind-the-scenes meeting at the next Las Vegas concert."

In another context, Shakira recently relaunched a big holiday in Lebanon marking the opening of the International Rice Festivals. – Shakira asks his audience to donate to children in need and we hope we have delivered in advance We would like to inform you that news of "Art News – Shakira requires his audience to donate to children in need "We have no minimum responsibility and you can read the news from the original Vito portal site and you can follow the latest news on our website. By visiting the link "" or by writing "Horizon News" in Google and you will be redirected to our site immediately, God willing.

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