Art News – Videos "De Hayati" gets 180,000 views on "Facebook"


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In the News – News Horizon News
Thursday, July 5, 2018 15:48

Horizon News – The song "De Hayati" for "Heidi Moussa" 180 thousand views, in less than a week, which was the company Melody put a video clip of his words , through the page on "Facebook", which impressed the public.

The song "De Hayati" was widely broadcast through radio stations in Egypt and in the Arab countries.

Lyrics "De Hayati" by Amir Taaima, composed by Ihab Abdel Wahed, distributed by Sherif Magdy, sound engineer Maher Salah, direction of production Nabil Edward, production Melody

Heidi Moussa began his career with Talent Talent Arab Idol and Star Academy programs, She recently presented her first album, "Hania El Donia", which includes 12 songs, which were launched via YouTube.

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