Art people welcome the departure of Mohammed Sharaf


Many of the most prominent personalities of the late star of art, Mohammed Sharaf, wrote through their own stories on social networks: "To the care and mercy of God, our master, O king of pure laughter, Farid. May God bless you and your patients, and your family and all of you. "

Ashraf Abdel Baqi named Mohammed Sharaf and Hayatam after their death in one day, and published their image and wrote," Allah will give them mercy and forgive them. "Mahmoud al-Bazawi wrote:" God has mercy on you, O Muhammad, my beloved … One of the most beautiful scenes where Muhammad told him very loudly was a scene with Ahmed Hilmi for what he said: they were talking about Qatar and one with them like Qatar. , Qatar's pbadport, settled in Qatar work Yadob work Qrshin meet the Qatar Vatk pbadport and the jump in Qatar's life fluctuate Beck .. Goodbye Mohammed Sharaf.

Talaat Zakaria said: "Safely, my beloved in the mole".

Gerta Zeina: "What is the hardest separation of the best hearts in the journey of life? Goodbye Mohamed Sharaf".

Ayman Bahgat Amar wrote: "One of the most beautiful roles I have written in the movie" Sorry for the inconvenience "and the most beautiful roles that I appreciate his personality on Alhwa, and what is the name of the personality of the first name.And Allah will grant you his mercy … Muhammad Sharaf .. Fatihah.

A lot of celebrities have expressed their sadness from the artist where they said :

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