Ashraf Kassem Download. Lebanese star negotiates Egyptian Reda Abdel Aal


The details of this story are provided by Ashraf Qasim. The Lebanese star negotiates the Egyptian Reda Abdel Aal

Ashraf Kbadem put the show online.

The Al-Ahli football committee is currently considering the Al-Najma club's offer for the purchase of midfielder Reda Abdel-Aal Najm for $ 100,000 for two seasons Thabit Al-Batal, Ahli's football director, confirmed that his team needed Reda Abdel-Aal's efforts in the Egyptian Cup that starts on Friday and that is being played by the team without international players. Al-Aal will be one of the main pillars of Al-Ahly in this competition and the team also needs him in the second round of the league, although he is not a player, but his participation in some matches changes his results in favor of Al-Ahli. In 1987, he won several international and national championships and led him to the 1992 and 1993 Super League titles before the greatest fury in the history of transfers from Egyptian players left Zamalek and Al Ahly to play for a million books. Al Ahly has won four consecutive seasons, winning the league championship and the Arab Champions League, Champions League, Elite Cups and Africa Cup of Champions.
This season, Reza is off the main list.
The former Zamalek player and former colleague of Reza in Zamalek and the team that plays this season with the Al-Najmah club brought the offer to the club Al-Ahli
Rida Abdel-Aal asked for a two-week period before announcing his final decision. The friendly Ahli and Annabi match last night, a manifestation of popular love for the interest of Reda Abdel-Aal and demanded the public to stay with Ahli and adhere to him after having managed to achieve a good goal and makes his team four goals with another beautiful pbad. Al Ahli won 5-2 and Ahmed Hosni scored two goals, Ahmed Abdel Moneim, Ahmed Nakhla and Reza Abdel-Aal, the other goals scoring both goals of Ali Moumen
Al Ahly will play against the Egyptian Housing Cup next Friday in Cairo

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