Qatar beat Lebanon 2-0 (first half 0-0) in the match held tonight at Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium in Al Ain (UAE) in the second round of the tournament. first round of the fifth group of the fifth tournament of the Asian Football Cup organized by the United Arab Emirates. Until the first of February 2019.
The game has witnessed nearly seven thousand of the vast majority of Lebanese.
The Qataris outnumbered the ball and besieged the Lebanese in their region in the first half, with no success in the first half.
The Chinese referee Meng lost a good goal against Lebanon, who scored on the ball with a corner. Net after an error of George Malki.
Bbadam Al-Rawi opened the scoring for Qatar in the 65th minute with a free kick shot from the edge of the box after a handball on Hbadan Matouk who sent him from the top of the Lebanese defense wall to the right of goalkeeper Mahdi Khalil, unable to say.
Montenegrin coach Miodrag Radolovic pushed striker Nader Matar to Robert Melki's place in the 72nd minute to allow the offensive machine to move.
He then joined Samir Ayas instead of George Malki in the 76th minute.
Moez Mahjoub ended the scoring with a second injury in the 80th minute, followed by a center from the left of the center of the Lebanese net, who rebounded in the first stage of goalkeeper Mahdi Khalil.
After that, Radolovic played his last card with striker Mohammed Haidar, instead of Moataz Balila Al-Junaidi in the 83rd minute.
Lebanon will play its second match against Saudi Arabia on January 12 at Al Maktoum stadium in Dubai.
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