Aspirin increases the chances of cancer survival!


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Taking aspirin will help reduce the risk of cancer and combat it, according to a new scientific study published in the scientific journal PLOS One.

Low doses of aspirin increase the cancer survival rate by about one-fifth and reduce the risk of spread in the body.

Aspirin is usually used to treat pain, fever and inflammation, as well as for antiplatelet therapy, as it helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in people. elderly. But in recent years, studies and scientific research have shown that taking aspirin can also help prevent various cancers such as colon and ovaries. Despite its preventive role, the importance of taking this drug in the treatment of cancer is still unknown, and that's what I tried to reveal in the current study.

The team reviewed 42 previous studies of bad, colon and prostate cancer patients and found that patients taking low doses of aspirin with other anticancer drugs had a 15-fold risk of survival. at 20% compared to those not taking aspirin. .

The researchers also noted that low doses of aspirin were badociated with the low incidence of cancer throughout the body or metastasis known as metastatic cancer cancer.

In contrast, the researchers pointed out that the target group of studies examining the relationship between aspirin treatment and low incidence of cancer was few, which casts doubt on the results and does not give them the strength to confirm it.

The researchers also discovered a gene called PIK3CA in 20% of patients, which could explain the reduced risk of death in patients with colon cancer.

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