Astronomers .. Discovery in the space equivalent to the density of 40 billion sun


(MENAFN – Al Wakeel News)

They found in the hollow of a galaxy 700 million light-years away from Earth, the giant Holmberg 15A, known as elliptical oval shape of the Elliptical galaxy, the mbad density equivalent to more than 40 billion sunshine, a giant black hole, pain "Arab.Net" details of what he explained SciNews, about him and in his galaxy, probably contains a trillion stars, about five times more than in the galaxy of the Milky Way, one of the 500 galaxies of the giant Abell 85, located in the constellation "Cetus" or Latin. Considered towers of the northern and southern hemispheres.

The black hole, as astronomers call it, is not literally a hole or a hole, but a gigantic "sink" as a vacuum cleaner that cleans the space through a gravity very powerful that makes it a magnet that captures and integrates it so as to never escape light and nanoparticles. Or the electromagnetic radiation waves can not escape, so it's always a black void that works like a moving sand that engulfs what falls in it.If the hole pbades near a star even hundreds of times larger than the sun, for example, it scratches itself until it swallows it completely and conceals the pressure inside The smallest possible size , swallowed as if it were for No, what we see is something in the video below.

What was recently discovered was a team led by the German astronomer Kianusch Mehrgan of the Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany, and its members collaborated in the study and knowledge of their specifications with their astronomical counterparts from the "Munich University Observatory" Vhalhm when they found greater The density of two famous black holes, distant 300 million light years away, is 21 billion times greater than that of the sun NGC 4889, the second corresponds to 1,600,000 billion light years of the NGC, and 17 times greater than that of the sun.

They examined what had been discovered, and whose details will be published in the American journal Astrophysical Journal, as being "the largest black hole observed densely in the visible part of the universe 4 to 9 times larger than expected from the mbad of stars of the galaxy "Astronomers who used the telescope, called VLT, used the telescope, a group of bright telescopes located in the Atacama Desert, Chile, to allow the European Space Agency to observe and drill the galaxy and compare its solar density greater than 1.3 million globes.

Source: Arabic


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