Attack "Terrorist" in Tunisia: 6 deaths of the National Guard on the border with Algeria


The Interior Ministry said in a statement that six members of the Tunisian security forces had been killed in an ambush by a "terrorist group" in the north-west of the country, near the border with l & # 39; Algeria.

The statement said that "a patrol of the national border strip of the National Guard was attacked in Ain Sultan on the Tunisian-Tunisian border, an ambush represented in the planting of an explosive device resulted in the martyrdom of six agents ".
He said the attack took place at 11:45 am local time (10:45 GMT).

The official spokesman for the ministry, Brigadier Sufian Zaq, described the attack as "terrorist operation", adding that the group "opened fire on security" after an "explosion." mine ".
"There are now raking operations looking for terrorists," he said.

The incident comes as Tunisia prepares for a tourist season that the authorities hope to mark as a "real rise" in the sector.

The first operation in Tunisia # since the March 2016 attack in Ben Qardan (south), when jihadists attacked security headquarters. At the time, the attack killed 13 members of the security forces and seven civilians, while at least 55 jihadists were killed.

The state of emergency is in place in Tunisia since the bloody attacks of 2015, during the attack of the Bardo Museum in the capital and a hotel in Sousse, making 60 dead, including 59 foreign tourists.

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