Baabda looms at the end of the grace period … and the warnings in the race or rush a new crisis


Sources of information speak of a period of grace, not exceeding one week, to break the stalemate surrounding the government's formation process.

These sources indicate that after the return of President-elect Saad Hariri to the Kingdom of Spain, the meeting with his counterpart the Prime Minister and a conference at one of the Universities of Madrid expected this weekend. end, it is badumed that the painting has crystallized more and more, The Forces of March 8 and the Free Patriotic Movement, which are based on the fact that they are not mandated without work, n? do not wait for an end.

From the angle that President Aoun is impatient, he wants to translate the ordering process, and he studies the possible constitutional options to remedy the statico situation existing in the country: the progress is the same, the contract is the same.

1. The President-in-Office waits and does not apologize, and seeks to maintain the best relations without losing Saudi support.

Here is the reference to the station OTV, in its evening report, The station is problematic but has not unveiled it, but sources believe that Prime Minister Hariri can not lose his understanding of Baabda Do not to take into account the interests of its allies, neither the Lebanese Forces nor the Progressive Socialist Party, in terms of representation, and exclusively for the representation of the Druze and military portfolios.

2. The President of the Republic is negligent and does not neglect the formation of the government.

The station did not forget to point out that President Aoun would not retreat "today to Baabda at the head of the republic".

In this context, Context, warned political sources to keep abad of the nature of serious problems in light of international and regional pressures on Lebanon and the region, whether through what the It is called "the business of the century" or the construction of sectarian and ethnic federations in the Sykes-Picot Arab States.

According to the latest information, in the latest versions demanded by the leader of the Free Patriot: 7 current ministers and 4 ministers of the President of the Republic, including the Druze minister, to be the share of the current and its allies 20 ministers, and this exacerbates the crisis, amid the fear of the source

A long way

The week opens with a politico-parliamentary movement that has nothing to do with the path of the formation of the future government, but from the point of view, one way or the other, that the process of creation will continue, contrary to what President Nabih Berri expected after the completion of the new parliament, two months before the election of the president and his office, that the convening of the election session of parliamentary committees is expected to resolve the trends of major parliamentary groups. New, although some blocks, such as "the future" and "strong republic" and "Loyalty to the Resistance" made earlier decisions on the separation between the ministry and the prosecution, unlike other major blocks such as "strong bloc of Lebanon" and "development and liberalization", and why President Berri prefers to be elected "legislator after the formation of the government". This means that the government's consultations showed no sign of the possibility of getting out of the government tunnel: there was no movement towards the end of the decade, which still controls the training process, especially Christians and women. Druze. Between President-elect Saad Hariri and the "national trend" He was not to meet the current leader of the movement, Minister Gebran Bbadil, who was celebrating the anniversary of his marriage to the daughter of President Michel Aoun Chantal, while Prime Minister Hariri was agitated and had no official activity on Saturday and Sunday,

Informed sources told the "Major" that any new issue at the government records level did not register him, noting that the meetings held in the past hours were not major, as confined to part of the two extremes of Christians and Druze, the Lebanese Party of Forces Samir Geagea and the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jnebel Without any meeting between the designated president and the other parties, namely Minister Bbadil and MP Talal Arslan, which indicates the hardening of the Awni team, waiting for the meeting between Hariri and Basil, hoping to find a way out, which could result from the results meeting These sources said that contacts between President Aoun and Hariri are at any time, stressing that it is wrong to talk about the differences between the two Presidents, especially since the President-designate has not proposed a new formula and can not anticipate any badysis or conclusion before the existence of this formula.

The information was available at the time of day The sources of "forces" and the Progressive Socialist Party confirmed that such a proposal is not fully on the agenda because the validity of the label is the responsibility of both parties, which means that President Aoun is still in office. Insisting that the forces should have three ministers and that he should be called the Druze Third Minister, we are still at our place, there has been no displacement, and he There is no need to meet Hariri, On his positions.

In estimating sources that differences have increased friction Both between the "current" on the one hand and the "socialist" and the "forces" and "the future", the recent positions taken by Bbadil about the relationship with Syria, where he talks about the return of political life Relations are normal and have not been affected by any official decision, and we have an ambbadador for Lebanon in Damascus , and Syria has an ambbadador in Beirut, noting that relations at this level have not been withdrawn. Mo & # 39; in al-Marubi was quick to respond to Bbadil, pointing out that no one is important The President of the Republic or the Minister of Foreign Affairs can not determine the country's politics and relationship with Syria without returning to the Council of Ministers who is the decision-maker in this regard and "take us with Helmu Gebran Bbadil and extend Palau and wait for the new government".

Third, a new and exacerbating element of the political conflict between the "mainstream" and the Socialist Party was the arrival of the Turkish ship for the production of electricity, that the Ministry of the. Energy decided to build next to the Jiyyah Thermal Power Plant.

The ship was considered the third owner of the evil The Turkish Cardinals are towed by a dedicated cruiser for this purpose, which comes from Beirut to be delivered to the Jiyeh factory and is expected to start operating in the next two days to provide free to the factory of Jiyeh 300 megawatts for three months only.

The Turkish vessel called in a statement by officials and concerned to stop the series of deadly pollution in the region and to stop the specter of death, and stressed that they will not allow new sources of pollution in the region. Chirp "more than once declaring his refusal to contaminate the crossed bones The party ministers, at recent meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers a fierce war against the idea of ​​the use of ships, have reached the Ministry of Energy to falsify the deliberations of the Council of Ministers.

Meetings of the Committees

On the front of the session of the parliamentary committees, Before noon today, a meeting of the Bureau of the Council is aimed at the appointments of Jujlp and the division of the divisions, for the chairmanship of the committees and committees. members, which retains, according to parliamentary sources, the maximum of the previous composition, either to preserve the right of each political group or to organize distributions. Against the old sectarian divisions, without the possibility of switching consensually between the allies, allowing the representation of all the blocks at the level of the chairmanship of the commissions and the rapporteurs in the big blocks, and allowing the continuity of the previous legislative works, in particular with the entry of new deputies to the parliamentary seminary, The sources revealed that the map of the heads of committees is almost completed keeping the old one standing, especially in terms of committees: money and budget, defense, work, administration, justice , foreign affairs and communications, as well as agriculture and displaced people who will go to the blocks "Straightened

President Berri will chair a coordination meeting of the" Development and Liberation "bloc at 2 pm, and Prime Minister Hariri will meet The future of the block "the future" at the same time to determine the options of the cluster, the process is It does not rule out other groups holding similar meetings for this purpose, while the Secretariat will try to organize the Council before tomorrow. One committee on another, either the committee distribution map became clear, or whether the question of embezzlement in the Medical Union was in millions of years. And in the context of the meeting of the Board Office and some of the committees, and regardless of the minimal personal freedom of the members of the deceased, as stated in the allegation made by members of the Bar Council and accused Members [19659002] On the other hand, the farmers were happy to restore control of the Syrian army at the Nasib border crossing with Jordan and to officially reopen the crossing, allowing them to re-export their agricultural products by land to Jordan and the Gulf States, instead of shipping them by sea at an additional annual cost of over $ 30 million.

Agriculture Minister Ghazi Zeitar told the "General" that opening the pbadage for goods requires more arrangements and procedures. I'm safe, and I'm connected to the fence side I may be going to Damascus to discuss with Syrian officials the arrangements and procedures to set a re-export date for Lebanese products, but now, before the goods can be exported, we must prepare ourselves in Lebanon for farmers and exporters. In another development, the state minister for anti-fascist affairs, Tueni, told the "brigade" that the payment of the rights of Lebanese traders and Iraqi companies (following the war in Iraq and the food security program had been adopted in the 1990s. And we will send these documents to the Iraqi side at the earliest opportunity to study them and determine the necessary compensation for each person or company, knowing that the total amount amounts to about one million of dollars. Hold after the end of the procedural matters a joint meeting to determine the executive steps.

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