Bahia Hariri in front of the "Christian Student Youth" delegation: Sidon is a tolerant city, proud of its integrated social fabric


Bahia Hariri met at the Center of the Communication and Leadership Academy in the Old City of Sidon, about 120 young men and women from JEC from several regions visited the city of Sidon as part of the 80th anniversary of the Company. Heritage, history and religion with the participation of young men and women of the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development.


million. Hariri hosted the youth delegation in Sidon and the old city, characterized as a vibrant historic city, living with its inhabitants and all its facilities and elements, and proud of all its social fabric.

Hariri reviewed the difficult situations and circumstances experienced by the Old City through its modern history, and what he witnessed and witnessed by the restoration work and the interest in the city. human and heritage. She said, "But if you do not activate any active and vital archaeological site loses its value and becomes static, and you are the ones who move it and the young pump life, as you can see in this place where you Today, they are attached to the place and to the old city and that is what matters.When people are concerned about a place that they keep, we complement each other. and we want you to come not only once, but more and more times.

Hariri briefed the youth delegation on a number of projects in the Old City, including the restoration of the traditional St. Nicola Church and its transformation into a church museum to complete this which has been known as the museum trail in the old town.

Roy Ibrahim

For his part, the secretary general of "Christian Youth", Roy Ibrahim, said that participants came from four regions: Batroun, Zahle, Beirut, Saida and East. "Every two years, there will be a meeting at a certain local secretariat to support young people, and we also know the characteristics of the city," he said. This year, we consider ourselves lucky to come to Sidon because we have discovered wealth here. This meeting was a new challenge for our young people, who did not yet know the city of Sidon and its market. A new door was opened with JS Sidon and the Hariri Foundation We discovered the benefit of the difference in the city We are not alone in our student environment, but even the one who is different from us has the same priorities but different to achieve its goals. And God willing, we will cooperate together in all future projects, especially in the field of youth and students.

Ibrahim pointed out that the program of the Christian youth delegation in Sidon included two meetings with the Mufti of Saida and his hometown Sheikh Salim Sousan, patron of the Diocese of Sidon and Deir Al-Qamar, the Catholic bishop Eli Haddad and a tour of the city. Culminating in a central celebration at St. Joseph sisters high school in Sidon.

In conclusion, the delegation of young Christian students presented Hariri with thanks and appreciation to the Hariri Foundation for hosting and accompanying the delegation in Sidon.

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