Barri waving a parliamentary session to embarrass detainees and pressure on Hariri's powers – spider Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


<img src = " نبيه بري -1.jpg & size = article_medium" title = "تلويح بري بجلسة نيابية لإحراج المعرقلين والضغوط على الحريري تطرح الصلاحيات "alt =" Lebanese political circles believe that the delays in the formation of the Lebanese government erode its negative effects on the already difficult economic situation and will eat the balance of the president-elect, Saad Hariri, and President Michel Michel Aoun and the entire political clbad, after all political leaders have promised to speed up their birth to deal with pressing economic issues, mainly electricity.

Although logic presumes that it is in the interest of all parties to find ways to remove the promised treatments, starting with the economic reforms and MEPs and officials met with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri over the past two days and expressed disgust at the situation. One visitor said he regretted the ministerial reshuffle painfully and felt that "we are distracted by secondary problems with the country's economic risks, and we have no sense of responsibility for what lies ahead. ". "We have facilitated the creation process and we have not entered the minister's bazaar as some do, and even though our bloc includes 17 deputies, we only have three ministers, even though the standard is the same. they give us gives us more, and Hezbollah ". The visitors of the Speaker of Parliament that he wants to put in charge of each "Nobody must stay in control of the situation and fight with all parties. Therefore, I said that I would ask Parliament to elect parliamentary committees, which we have formed to await the formation of the government. I invite the General Assembly to hold a general discussion session to discuss the government's training efforts.

A visitor to Berri says his invitation to a public debate session is a political message to all for government action to be launched after the elections, de facto through attempts to impose conditions to other parties. A political source familiar with Berri's stance says that he knows in advance that any general parliamentary session will lead to the discovery of many positions, compounding the quarrels and leading to the emergence of disagreements over the quota. government board, which will hinder and scratch for some. "1965/014] The external political source confirms that Berri is not in favor of the opinion of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Elie Farzli, who has been calling for the convocation of parliament for days, since he can withdraw the mandate of Prime Minister Hariri, In the context of the pressure exerted by a team loyal to the Syrian leadership and allied with the leader of the "Free Patriotic Movement" Wazi Gebran Bbadil, the president-elect to take the requirements of the "mainstream" and abandon his proposals concerning the representation of the "Lebanese Forces" and the demand "Progressive Socialist Party" druze limited representation of it.The sources said that President Berri understands that these calls to abandon the mandate of Hariri are contrary to the Constitution and not rights A ministerial source close to Hezbollah says that Hezbollah is not in an atmosphere of trying to drive Hariri out of the post of prime minister. [19659] 003] The source notes that Berri still believes that the obstacles to government are internal rather than external, and that the government should have been formed.

However, the political source itself, aside from what he says Berri believes that if the climate of obstruction persists, outside interference will resume in the context of attempts to dismantle the contract, this which leads to the introduction of composition in the region and what is happening in Syria. Regional situation, then things take another dangerous course and plunge the country into a whirlwind

One of the ministers of the interim government considered that the fundamental knot, "no matter how we talk about the Druze complex or the complex of representation of Sunni deputies who are outside the bloc of the "future" parliamentarian, remains the Christian representation and the disagreement between the "Free Patriotic Movement" and the Lebanese Forces.He says that the minister Basile asks that the government receives four ministers and that the "current" receives twice its share, because the number of deputies of the block "strong Lebanon" is the double of the number of deputies "forces" and that the president Aoun calls 5 ministers Including a Sunni), instead of three, as indicated in the Secret agreement "Maarab", which was released last week, which means that a team has 13 ministers, what's left for other Christian parties? "It is clear that such conditions are only for escalation and impotence. It is not reasonable for the "mainstream" to agree that the "forces" would have three ministers and one ally in the previous government, at a time when the number of his deputies was eight, and he would receive less than (3). The minister revealed that Bbadil's second maneuver was to get six ministers and five for President Aoun so that the deputy minister, Talal Arslan or his representative, like former minister Marwan Khairuddin on his part, in addition to Sunni minister and three Christians, Which is impossible to accept by Berri and Hezbollah. The possible formula is the allocation of six seats for the current and three for the help.

The Minister himself says that the conditions of the author have returned to Basil's question: "Are we in front of a President of the Republic or with two Presidents?

The Powers of the Elected President

While there was information that Hariri had patiently dealt with the dispute between the Free Stream and the Lebanese forces and waited for the truce to conduct, For which he was working among them to dissolve the contract if the dialogue between the two teams, "but He is no longer able to wait," said the minister. He added, "It is true that Hariri is optimistic about the approach of the author's contract, but he will not stay there and will see that he is responsible to the people."

Other political sources speak of an atmosphere of support for Hariri.

According to these sources, there are two approaches to the issue of authorship, which lead to the growing exaltation of this issue in Hariri's insistence on not putting it in a form which leads to a disagreement. With President Aoun. He was rejected by Hariri when he repeated many times that he recognized only one custom: the division of the presidency of the republic, parliament and government between Maronites, Shiites and the Sunnis. Mr. Hariri believes that dealing with these issues, including the president's right to have ministers, is more of a political compromise than custom, as Islamic figures who insist on preserving the prime minister's powers and no Touch it and respect Taif agreement. The sources say that what is happening in this area has helped to encourage former Prime Minister Fuad Siniora to propose a meeting of former prime ministers with Hariri "for solidarity with him two weeks ago." The sources point out that of many Sunni personalities have approached Dar al-Fatwa about his concerns about the Third Presidency.

The second approach draws attention to the hints that Minister Bbadil sometimes makes on the Hariri Cbad: Ministries of the Lebanese Forces and the "Party" As the three Druze ministers, Bbadil said that if we wanted to give the parties a larger share of what the free movement considers its size, that would be its share, Prime Minister Hariri. arrested at this point, see in the president a pressing position, which aims to impose the position of the leader of the "free movement" in the Christian struggle against him, to the 39 when Hariri is trying to form a national government of consensus facing the challenges of the country. The sources conclude that pressure on Hariri is in line with a campaign to hold him responsible for the delay by demanding that his commission be dropped, while other Islamic forces seek to use what he sees as a concession to meet Basil's requirements and requirements.


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