Basil: Geagea favors the lies .. and the superficial reconciliation of the mountain


The leader of the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), Minister Gebran Bbadil, launched a bitter attack on Lebanese Forces Party leader Samir Geagea. He also attacked the Progressive Socialist Party and its president, Walid Jumblatt, without naming them. He was clearly alarmed by the statement of the US Embbady issued Wednesday regarding the Qabrishmoun incident and its political and judicial trajectory. Basil reiterated his position on "mountain reconciliation" as false.

Widowed son
He began his speech by stating: "On August 7, 2001, we were the perpetrators of injustice and we are still, and the proof is that we are celebrating this anniversary ourselves: we carry the word d & Order of freedom, sovereignty and independence in the face of political forces. "We chose August 7 to lay the foundation stone of our house."

"General Aoun said we are the cornerstone of the Lebanese house and insist on the policy of understanding with everyone.We want to build a Lebanese house.Any country, not a farm.It is the The essence of the conflict in the country.You will hear a lot of criticism from those who have weaknesses that they have built with the money of the sisters and the money at the same time. stranger, and our honor remains that we do not go into the pockets of people or money from the state nor sell the business.Sisters and those who finance the external accuses us of our poverty and we are described as corrupt. "

Monument to truth and studied in ethics
"There will be a monument to the truth in the brook house, because the truth frees us.It is the highest value of our public life, the ceiling of freedom is the truth.We decided to Bury the lie and the rumor.We will give a lesson to all the liars.We will keep this land and build the house on the Rock of Independence, to say that Lebanon is our rock.We have not alternative to this entity with its mission and diversity, and there is no place in the world that offers us an alternative, not a substitute for Lebanon will always have the pulse and we will stay here to defend our Lebanon ".

Deep reconciliation!
The tone of his speech then became high: "We are exposed to the policy of August 7th after the age of 18. On August 7th, as a result of the alleged reconciliation of the mountain, and we were arrested collectively for fabricating Today, we are still alone, because we want a deep and not superficial reconciliation, and the IDPs wanted to put an end to it by developing a plan for the closure of the ministry, the profound reconciliation we had expressed at the time. Mbad of Deir al-Qamar and the rejection of the same Camille Chamoun in the mountains.

He added, "Our mountain people have a right to real development without discrimination, our reaction is not to fall into an ambush or into political polytheism, we will not allow a Druze-Christian problem in the mountains, and we We work tirelessly for a partnership and do not withdraw what they are lying in. The facts are clear and no military, judicial or criminal court can escape it, we will not ask anyone to enter our homes on the street. mountain, and we will not allow political fiefdoms, and the army has the duty to protect us.Today, you see the logic of the militia compared to the logic of the state. Intelligence and embbadies are linked abroad, but we are the rule of law that we want to be safe from abuses committed from abroad.We will remain interdenominational and will work for a deep reconciliation souls, regardless of the obstacle. "

Attack Geagea and play football
He said, "I promise never to compromise on reconciliation between Christians and Christians, so I suffered injustice and lied in the belief that I was protecting him." that I was following it.I think it is still possible to save a Maarab agreement.The Maarab agreement is a political agreement, in which Samir Geagea asked for political allowance in exchange for the support of General Michel Aoun. in the presidency.A climate was set up according to which we were violating the agreement.He discovered that his advantage was the opposition and the popularity Instead of being with us as agreed, he has continued to obstruct solutions under the pretext of corruption, his job being to fight against the President and the Prime Minister, which allowed to obtain public support for the kidnapping of the president. "

I informed all the mediators that there was no problem to return to the agreement, provided that the program to lie against us was stopped. I say to the public: The politics of silence and tolerance of injustice is over. I give one last chance to come back to the spirit of the agreement and implement it. If they agree to stop lying, we will come back to the agreement tomorrow. Who kills reputation is like the one who kills dignity and life .. I remained silent and continued to play "Football" … But for how long?
"He warned that this behavior would end the agreement between us.He chose to pursue the policy of lying instead of maintaining agreement.They engage in libel without file. Do not support projects that aim to save the country and restore rights or partnership in the mountains, at least do not oppose us The presidency is cheaper than our rights and less expensive than the dignity of the mountain. We accept the transition from a half-state to a civil state with a upper house, an extended administrative and financial decentralization, and the abolition of political sectarianism does not not enough. "

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