Basil's knot worsens: stalemate with Hariri disrupts government – Alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


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Source: Lebanese News Newspaper


Author: هيام القصيفي

Views: 134

Hariri did not contact the Foreign Minister, and the latter did not take the initiative to hold a meeting with Prime Minister

Michel Aoun. Until now, two understandings have been made on the formation line, but the knot has moved to the Free Patriotic Movement … and the ball is in the President's Court

It seemed to the first moments that President Saad Hariri took over the options of President Michel Aoun and Minister Gebran Bbadil, and that he would not disagree with them. Hariri and Bbadil Taghia were the supporters of Hariri, as he was the last to form the government, after all set their quotas and ministerial size according to the results of the last parliamentary elections.

Little by little, Hariri appeared on the site of the violator Bbadil,.

Since the beginning of the mandate, two parties have set their quotas and have not put any veto right.

What did this map look like yesterday? On the part of any Christian or Islamic party, at least publicly President Nabih Berri and Hezbollah. They offered what they wanted and waited. They even named all the names of their future ministers. On the other hand, the knot emerged Christian and Druze, interspersed with the explosion of the internal Christian dispute between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces and the highlighting of the understanding between them, sharp debates then announce the media calm and the commitment of the parties.

The conclusion of the latest consultations concludes with the sole ability of Mr. Hariri to reach points of convergence with the leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, and the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt. According to political sources, Hariri is consistent in the adoption of Jumblatt's position, held by three Druze seats: if the President wants to dissolve the Druze knot, there is no objection to name four Druze ministers, three of them from Jumblatt; As President Nabih Berri when he insisted on the appointment of Faisal Karami to increase the number of Sunni ministers in the government of Najib Miqati to six plus the prime minister for only five for the Shiites.)

As for the military knot, Hariri, in full agreement with Geagea, give the Lebanese Forces four sacks, a Sovereign on the part of Christians on the basis of the basic Meerab agreement and a second (of six core) on. This agreement is irreversible, in exchange for the facilitation of Hariri's labor forces to form a government.

This means that Hariri, who developed the stage of disagreement with Jumblatt and Ja'ar, is preparing for a stage of formations and changes. I betrayed him alone. The role of the President of the Republic declined last week and Hariri, Jumblatt and Ja 'have not experienced any development, which caused the explosion of Aouni's public discontent and of Joumblatt within 48 hours of the meeting.

million. Hariri will present a list of "informal" governments on paper, and the last word will be for the President of the Republic

. At the same time, there is a clear decrease in the number of ministers, the relationship between Hariri and Basil. Neither Hariri contacted the Foreign Minister, nor did he take the initiative to hold a meeting with the Prime Minister, or even dissolve the Christian knot. According to informed sources, Hariri is aware that Basil does not act without the instructions of the President of the Republic. He was surprised by what was included in the Maarab agreement, which he did not know, especially in the part relating to the share of the President of the Republic after he was placed at discussions in a different form from the original text. Which helped to provoke the fervor of Hariri, and cooled the communication between him and Bbadil, who finally gets a lot of criticism, so that a reference from Nayabia winked to Maarab, asking his visitors how he can respond to verbal promises It was a violation of written and signed agreement. It may be the first time that the serious conflict between Hariri and Bbadil has emerged, from the presidential compromise to the resignation crisis in Saudi Arabia and the departure of Nader Hariri from his responsibilities at Hariri

while the truce between the Lebanese forces and the free movement This was not in the government file among the data that speak of the President of the National Trend to put the fixed addresses of the relationship with the forces:

First, no meeting between Basil and the forces before the formation of the government.

Second, insist on the government record On the basis of election results

Third, MP Ibrahim Kanaan has no authority to rule on an issue with executive status regarding relations between the parts.

Fourthly, a complete reservation is made of Bkerki's intervention in the reconciliation file, especially since the Maronite patriarch Bishara During his meetings, contacts and public statements, Boutros Al-Ra clearly said that he opposed the exclusion of any party and insisted on the generalization of agreements and quotas on all Christian components. In addition to being decisive in his warning against the consequences of the disintegration of Christian reconciliation and its impact on the Christian street and the formation of the government. [2659012] The image of the government is further exaggerated by the fact that it is supposed to play a facilitating role in forming the government, namely Berri and Hezbollah, as allies of the president. Republic, has not made any step in this direction. In addition, Berri and the forces openly intend to show open channels of communication between them and consult the government record

This does not mean that Hariri is able to do any miracle without the approval of the President of the Republic. He will present an "informal" government list on paper, and the last word will be the president's approval or not. Any decisive step in this context will create a serious problem. Both are currently acting as if they would not offer what would have blown the situation between them and would help to play the fate of the government and the internal situation. Knowing that they are aware of the position of the President of the Republic, they have ceased to establish a positive atmosphere towards the President appointed as usual and from the first term until the last days. .

All of this leads to one fact: there are no positive indicators for forming a government. In the government, and the ball in the stadium of the President of the Republic and the knot is still Basil, despite the sensibilities and differences in the team of the President of the Republic in light of the central question: Is does the Pact carry more internal deadlock?

Lebanese Journal

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