Bassil calls for "standardization" and then retreats when he reaches the "forces"!


The "standardization of standards" was the "silent mine" that triggered the possibility of declaring the government on the eve of the army and opening a breach through which the winds of disruption broke out: "standardization Requires the unification of the Lebanese parties.

But the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bbadil, who raised the slogan of "standardization" and against him the sword of the majority and the opposition government, pointing out that the formation of the government It's not the responsibility of the president in charge.

Lebanese forces are surprised by the reluctance of Minister Bbadil to meet with the Prime Minister to find out what he can give or ask the president-designate.

Sources say follow-up to Kuwaiti "Al-Rai" newspaper, "Free Patriotic Movement" calls for "standardization", but calculating result, Lebanese Forces get one-third of Christian ministerial seats, five ministers , according to the While 11 seats are reserved for the current, including the share of President Michel Aoun, while seats are calculated on the basis of the size of the block of the parliamentary bloc, which is 27 deputies do not allow such number of ministers. The prevailing sentiment among government circles is that it is unilaterally accepted by Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri that he reserves the right to hinder it: it is clear that Hariri is appointed by the House of Commons representatives, while Minister Basile is commanded by President Aoun. The apostles
L & # 39; army
Free Patriotic Movement
Gibran Basil
Saad Hariri
Michel Aoun
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