Bassil is in a hurry and Berry bets on Eid, including Hariri and Jumblatt


The political nerve has intensified in light of President Michel Aoun's tough line against the Qabrishmoun crisis. The solution was about to come to fruition on the initiative of President Berri, who met at Baabda Palace during the political reconciliation, in parallel with the resumption of the meetings of the Council of Ministers to leave to the judiciary the care of handle the Qabrishmon incident.

In the light of an unprecedented spasm that could reach its limit with the speech of Minister Bbadil during the laying of the foundation stone of the Free Patriotic Movement headquarters in Dbayeh, where he should respond to the statements of the progressive socialist and in particular from the Minister of Industry, Wael Abu Faour.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister resorted to the practice of "silence i tikaaf" in order to allow the goodwill not to blow up his government from within, perhaps because that the other party, the Free Patriotic Movement, is convinced that it can do without the cornerstone of the future and Saad Hariri as Prime Minister. From other parties such as Jumblatt and Samir Geagea, Hariri has therefore resorted to the policy of waiting for him to come to the government.

In this context, the sources of the Central House of "24 Lebanon" have denied the information that Mr. Hariri intends to extend his stay abroad after the holiday of Eid al – Adha until the end of the war. at the end of the month, pointing out that his calendar is filled with pre and post dates and that he should resume his activities immediately after his return. In a few hours to follow the internal situation.

The darkness of the scene did not reflect a resolute pessimism in the atmosphere of Ain al-Tineh. Visitors to President Nabih Berri said that the doors are not completely closed, but that "cold water should be poured on the hot heads". Therefore, President Berri takes into account the days of Eid holidays before the start of negotiations in a calm and healthy atmosphere in order to handle the government solution.

The visitors also cited the brother "Abu Mustafa" disgusted by the incitement to the political speech and the division of the Lebanese in axes and doctrines and pushed them towards the trenches of sectarian bigotry, they do not realize their sins because they do not do not realize that the abandonment of civil peace as "seizing the depths of sectarian bigotry" does not allow them to realize their sins The resurrection of the rule of law in this charged atmosphere.
Under the impetus of the government crisis, Berri's initiative was exposed to "friendly fire", hence the blink of the chain "Minister of Plenipotentiary" Gibran Yasil for his pursuit of political monopoly while it is practiced is the crux of the problem.

In this context, he registers the failures of Bbadil in his haste, notably by erroneously calculating Hezbollah's confidence in President Berri, in particular as regards the resolution of political differences, and then tirelessly devoting himself to the role of leader. on the Christian scene, at the height of Basil's battle to isolate Walid Jumblatt. Within his community, while strengthening the role of the Christian politically, he focused on a signature that binds him to President Berri as leader of the Amal movement in a similar record for Mar Mikhael. .

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