BBC reveals evidence of Qatar's support for terrorism in the region


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has revealed a series of texting and phone calls between Iraqi Ambbadador Zayed al-Khayarin and the current Foreign Minister, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al- Thani, which prove Hamdeen organization's support for terrorism. Ransom of more than $ 1 billion for Iraqi terrorists in Iraq and support for Iranian militias in Syria, under cover of the release of Qatari hostages in Iraq this year, confirming the validity of the decision of countries calling for the fight against terrorism and his interference in the affairs of States. To the royal family In Qatar received in December 2015 news of the kidnapping of 28 people in Iraq from a group of princes fishermen. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani, who was about to become Qatar's Foreign Minister at the time, provided a list of the names of the hostages, realizing that the list included two of his relatives. Mohammed bin Abdulrahman sent a letter to the Qatari ambbadador to Iraq, Zayed Al-Khayarin, in which he said: "My cousin Jbadim and my husband's husband, Khaled, when you receive news, tell him -me".

The money went to groups and individuals designated by the United States as terrorists, such as the Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq, and the commander of the Corps of Revolutionary Guards, General Qbadem Soleimani, subject to the sanctions of the United States and the European Union. Several times, the body

The hostages went to Iraq in search of hawks and received warnings and calls not to leave.The camp was invaded by small trucks loaded with heavy machine guns in the early hours of the morning. One of the hostages told the New York Times that he thought the kidnappers belonged to a "preacher" before one of the hijackers led Shiite abuses against the Sunnis . [1965900] Weeks and the Qatari diet have received no news. Officials said the kidnappers were members of Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia, to send Ambbadador Zayed al-Khayarin a letter to Mohammed bin Abdulrahman: "I told them about us make fourteen, and we'll give you half. " It is unclear how much "value" in the phone records until this period, to expose the terrorist group five days after the release of three hostages, and sent a letter to the minister said: "They want a good gesture of our part, it is a good sign for us

Financing Terrorism

The ambbadador received a video showing a hostage to the kidnappers and presented to the minister who asked him to l & # 39; To get away from anyone, the hostages were separated from each other, the princes were placed in a windowless cellar and their friends, ordinary and non-Qatari citizens were taken away. The messages, quoting a Qatari official, show that the princes can be transported from one place to another every two or three days, but that they are still kept underground. There was only one Quran to share with them to read the Qur'an, and during the sixteen months spent in captivity, they had no idea what was going on in the outside world

. Abu Mohammed to buy him an apartment in Lebanon in more than 10 million dollars. Sulaymani appeared in April 2016, when the talk was clear about the billion dollar.

The ambbadador sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs saying: "Sulaimani met the kidnappers and urged them to accept a billion dollars." The letters reveal that Soleimani wanted more money. he asked Qatar to contribute to the implementation of the "four-city contract" in Syria and in April 2016 a new name was added to the phone files: Qbadem Soleimani, Iranian boss of the Hezbollah battalions. it appears that the ransom demand has reached a billion dollars, but the kidnappers have risen and demanded more

Sulaimani Press

The Ambbadador sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sulaimani with the kidnappers and urged them to accept a billion dollars, has not responded because of their financial situation, Sulaimani will come back. "The letters reveal that Soleimani wanted more and more. 39 and asked Qatar to help implement the so-called "Four Cities Agreement" in Syria.

The Nbader Front, funded by Qatar, froze the blockade of the towns of Kufriya and al-Fo'a in northern Syria. The cities of Madaya and Zabadani have been displaced in the Damascus countryside in order to change the demographic structure of the region in favor of the Iranian influence. Under this agreement, the Iranian regime gained influence in areas close to Damascus, having been stripped of its inhabitants, moved to northern Syria, and provided an Iran-controlled expansion into Syria to Syria. areas controlled by Hezbollah. According to the ambbadador, General Soleimani told the Hezbollah battalions that if the Shiites were saved by the agreement of four cities, it would be shameful to claim personal bribes


In Lebanon and in the Hezbollah battalions in Iraq, they all want money and it's their luck, they exploit this situation to profit from it, as much as possible. They know it's almost the end … "

Letters show that money was actually paid to terrorists in April 2017 More than $ 150 million. The correspondence reveals the badurances of Qatari officials that a "large amount of money" has been paid. In a previous report to the Washington Post, a person named Qasim, who is believed to be Qbadim Soleimani, received $ 50 million

Transfer of Funds

After Transfer of Funds on a Qatar Airways plane to Baghdad, "You have to trust Qatar, you know what Qatar did and what the prince's father did, he paid 50 million, provided the infrastructure for the south and been the first to visit, "said Qatar's ambbadador to Hezbollah. Qatar's dealings with Hezbollah and its material support.

Despite the vagueness of the texts, it is likely that the four-city agreement is what was needed The release of the hostages, as well as $ 150 million of personal payments to the kidnappers. Qatari officials acknowledged that the texts and phonetic messages were authentic.

The hostage crisis ended in April 2017 after a Qatar Airways plane flew to Baghdad to transfer money and recover the hostages. The sources confirm that the amount transferred was more than $ 1 billion, in addition to $ 150 million in bribes, many of which are destined for Hezbollah battalions


But they say it was the Iraqi government and not the terrorists. The payments were related to "economic development" and "security cooperation". "We wanted to make the Iraqi government fully responsible for the security of the hostages," say the officials

The Qataris thought they had an agreement with the Iraqi Minister of the Interior who was waiting at the airport when he said he was in charge. plane lands in black canvas bags. Armed men wearing uniforms appear without a badge. After the reception of the money, the release of the hostages took place, conditionally to the implementation of the agreement of the four cities in Syria.

End of History

"We have taken out 5,000 people in two days, and now we are getting 3,000, we do not want any attacks on the bomb, "wrote Jbadim bin Fahd in a text message. A few days later, the cities were evacuated and Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman texted that 3000 people were being held at the delivery site, when we saw the hostages, we were going to get the buses moving. The ambbadador replied that the other party was worried, they were terrified, they said that if the sun shone without leaving, they would hold the hostages.

The Qatar hostages were released on April 21, 2017. They were all well, "They lost almost half of their weight." Sixteen months after their detention, television footage showed the hostages in a lean but smiling state on the runway at Doha Airport. According to sources of text messages and voice messages, the material shows that Qatar sent money to terrorists.


Saudi Arabia's sovereign debt adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, Have national borders in the four antiterrorist countries been banned? CNN "reveals only one reason .. and the biggest hidden".

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