Between Fadi I and Fadi II, a big difference


OTV Newsletter Introduction:

Between Fadi and Fadi, the attention of the Lebanese is distributed today.

But between Fadi I and Fadi II, there is a big difference.

Fadi the prime minister has succeeded par excellence. Fadi II fell and his fall was strong in politics, today as in the prosecution yesterday, according to his opponents.

Fadi I, known to all: an active Minister of the Environment, and even the most active environment ministers since the creation of the ministry, testifies the opponents in front of the supporters.

As for Fadi II, many people forget him and the Lebanese do not remind him of what he sometimes communicates, even if his tweets are often unsuccessful and the opponents still speak.

Fadi I, the Minister of the Environment and like his political team, does not like to flee ahead and likes to bravely face chronic problems, for which he is in no way responsible.

Fadi II belongs to a team whose opponents claim that he flees the political vacuum for empty positions and that he loves them both.

Fadi I, represents a political party working to resolve crises. As for Fadi II, he represents a political party that loves his creation, just like the obstruction … and neither is it, as long as the correction is in a sense, to please the owners of the solution .

Fadi I studied the waste file carefully. Understanding the details and conclusions, he became aware of the difference between environmental concerns and political auctions.

Fadi II was tweeted on the record of illegal pbadages without preparation. He accused the Minister of Defense instead of asking him … and if he did, I would understand that the subject he was tweeting about to form the current government … Fadi II is about to to load and distribute responsibilities, without even bothering to read the statement of the army today, or reread the statements. George Adwan, Chair of the Administration and Justice Committee, welcomed the Minister of Defense some time ago.

In any case, for Fadi who succeeded, hello. As for Fadi, who fell, and the fall was strong … Vsiph, and always talk to the opponents: For the sake of credibility, do not rush. Think before tweeting or publishing your positions. Attacked in politics as much as you want, no problem. But be it: yes, yes or no, coupled with evidence, and based on facts … people will be held accountable and the story will be recorded, as you literally said, in your tweet d & # 39; yesterday.

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