Beware of Saint Charbel and it's their destiny!


Charbel Khoury and Joey Selim ridiculed the miracles of St. Charbel, who recovered a large number of people from all over the world, not only ridiculing but the saint accused them of adultery after Charbel wrote: "A wonderful Mar Charbel 's new reading, His wife was not a pregnant woman (the problem is not what he knew) and left Hakim and Shafo for more than ten years, after that. he did not despair of leaving Romania Mtrah which basis Waja on Anaya visited St Charbel, (19659002) Sacrifice of Saint Charbel and it is their destiny "width =" 740 "height =" 417 "srcset =" https: / / 740w, 4665-B0E5-480F172009EF-145×82.jpeg 145w,×169.jpeg 300w, https: // aljaras. com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / 9D533538-FAA8-4665-B0E5-480F172009EF-630×355.jpeg 630w "sizes =" (max-width: 740px) 100vw, 740px "/>

St. Charbel [

A mockery of Charbel Khoury and Joey Selim of Saint Charbel "width =" 1242 "height =" 1231 "srcset =" 1242w, https: / /×145.jpeg 145w, 291B-4B6D-8D72-992D957F3E66-300×297.jpeg 300w,×761.jpeg 768w, https: //×624.jpeg 630w "sizes =" (max-width: 1242px) 100vw, 1242px "/>

A parody of Charbel Khoury and Joey

Salim Charbel

After being mocked by Saint Charbel, Charbel brought the birth of Khoury to sue Joey Salim and Cherbel Khoury for insult to religious rites and incitement to sectarian and political discord

  Charbel case against Charbel Khoury and Joey Selim
The lawsuit against Charbel Khoury and Joey Selim

Sharbel Khoury and Jui Salim will be imprisoned After the encroachment on the religious sacraments?

Jean Moawad – Beirut

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